FirstSpear TV

Steve Reichert And Dakota Meyer – Riflemans Course


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Awhile back we told you that Craig Sawyer and Steve Reichert were going to provide training together. Now, Steve is working with Medal Of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer. The course is being held at a facility in Maysville that is well laid out. It’s very nice and only about 25 minutes from Jacksonville, NC.

Are you tired of attending Tac-T-Cool carbine courses where you dump inordinate amounts of rounds into a piece of paper at stone throwing distances? Have you ever wanted to actually employ the principals of rifle marksmanship to accurately put rounds on a target hundreds of yards away? If you’re one of the many great Americans out there who have the will and desire to become the best at everything you do then this course is for you. During the SRT Rifleman’s course you will acquire the rifle marksmanship principals that will allow you to accurately and effectively engage multiple targets from 50-500 yards and beyond. You will find yourself being constantly pushed by our staff to make every shot count, and make every shot a learning experience! Remember, there is no such thing as “advanced” shooters… just shooters who can apply the basic marksmanship principals quickly and effectively. That being said if you never really master the marksmanship principals in the first place how can you expect tp effectively employ them under stress when lives are on the line?

The course is being held Maysville, NC, November 2nd – 3rd, 2013.

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