SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Travis Haley Tests The SCOUT Carbon Paramotor

Travis Haley tests out one of the first imported SCOUT Carbon Paramotors from Fly Halo. The test took place in Scottsdale, AZ.

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5 Responses to “Travis Haley Tests The SCOUT Carbon Paramotor”

  1. Sgt E. says:

    I suppose that’s one way to circumvent IEDs.

  2. cimg says:

    Welcome to the skeet shoot! Just kidding, that looks awesome.

  3. Bussaca says:

    I’m surprised he hasen’t tried shooting from that thing…

  4. tomaso says:

    Bussaca…id be very surprised if thats not already running threw his head… looks like if one could get foot controls it would work…runn a pulley system to over the head to limit cable fouling. me personally id set up some targets and use paintballs to test the limits,

  5. Palehorse1 says:

    I have to admit I never imagined them to be that responsive to the controls and if I understood him correctly he wasn’t even smashing out the rev’s due to the break-in limitations. Thanks for sharing that one with us.