GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

The Latest Army Camo Story

In case you took the weekend off, we published a story about US Army camo on Saturday. Go read it and catch up on what everyone is talking about.

Link To The Story

10 Responses to “The Latest Army Camo Story”

  1. super six-four says:

    TL;DR version: Multicam won

  2. B31A says:

    Caitlin Dickson at The Daily Beast is floating a UCP is a $5 billion dollar waste of taxpayer money story (again?)

  3. Mick says:

    Well, if I could snap my fingers…

    The army would pick the winner, which SSD previously reported is the MultiCam variant family.

    Then, they’d say “Oh yeah, Old School, Afghan War Multicam? That counts as transitional until those stocks are expelled.”

    That way, a bunch of multicam uniforms and TA50 is available out of the gate, adn then, through attrition, just replace it with the new Crye transition. SOme units would bitch and absolutely want everyone int eh same camo right away, but the guard and reserves (which I’m a member of) can use that older stuff for a generation before it needs to get replaced, so we’d be good.

    That way:
    -Most advanced, helpful and flexible family of camouflage patterns
    -Fiscally responsible way to do it, using existing hardwear and stuff already in stock and supply chain.

    It seems like a common sense, logical solution to me.
    But then, maybe that’s why I’m not riding a desk at the pentagon…


  4. CAVstrong says:

    When is AUSA and do you still expect some sort of an announcement?

  5. Hodge175 says:

    I just hope when or If the Army makes the announcement that they say if you got them wear them, no long wear out date on UCP. Let them disappear