Protact by Haartz

Disruptive Tech – Army CoCreate

You’re welcomed to the Army CoCreate website with this statement:

Do you have an idea, big or small, about a Soldier challenge that needs to be solved? Post it below. Vote for ideas that interest you, the more votes an idea receives, the more likely it is to be selected as an Army CoCreate project.

Sponsored by the Rapid Equipping Force, the Maneuver Center of Excellence, Camber, Exponent and administrated by Local Motors, Army CoCreate is a collaborative website to crowds price fresh ideas for the many operational challenges that face Soldiers.


Army CoCreate uses a four-step process to narrow the field to identify the ideas that provide the best bang for the buck and are most likely to succeed: Identify Problems, Suggest Solutions, Tackle a Project, Build Prototypes. Online tutorials guide you through the process as you suggest projects which are voted on by other participants. The most promising projects are invited to participate in Make-a-thons where the designs will be 3D modeled. This is exciting stuff and invites participation at the lowest levels.

This is a great chance to make America’s Army better.

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6 Responses to “Disruptive Tech – Army CoCreate”

  1. HD says:

    I’d use this site to tell PEO Soldier to stop fooling around with the camo effort.

    “Quite being b*tches and just get on with it already!”

  2. Giovani says:

    Absolutely critical that groundpounders with ideas and problems participate. Process works far better with more eyes on target. Hope to see some SSD readers on it soon-the potential is grand.

  3. Y.T. says:

    I’ve heard good things about them, though I’ve never partaken of their capability. Apparently they even have fabrication capabilities here in theater.

  4. Pro Patria says:

    I wrote the Integrated UTV contribution. The website is very buggy, and not very easy to browse through.

    I’ll be interested to see what becomes of this.

    • Pete S. says:

      Pro Patria-
      Thanks for the post. Please help us by describing any bugs you find on “report a Problem” on Website support. Thanks!!!