SureFire XC3

The H&K MP5 Isn’t Dead, It’s Just Tan



11 Responses to “The H&K MP5 Isn’t Dead, It’s Just Tan”

  1. Mobious says:

    Will they next pull out a tan G3? Going by the trend

    • Dave says:

      No. HK has steadily been dropping the roller-locked guns from their suite of weapons, and the G3 and 33 series were one of the first to go. While G3’s are produced in other parts of the world (some under licensing, some not), HK Germany isn’t making G3’s; much less in RAL8000

  2. jrexilius says:

    God I loved the MP5..

  3. Haji says:

    Sure wouldn’t mind having one. They’re just plain fun to shoot and being tan means its automatically more accurate. 😉

  4. Andrew says:

    This is one of the few guns I would much rather have in black…

  5. Rich says:

    I sooooo miss my MP5! I wish the current version had a modular pistol grip, longer safety lever and a rail on top.

  6. Invictus says:

    MP5/10 in tan, please, Santa.

  7. Dan Goodwin says:

    Missin my old MP5/40…