FirstSpear TV

M43 in Mountain Stalker from Slangvel

That man never ceases to amaze me.


4 Responses to “M43 in Mountain Stalker from Slangvel”

  1. Ryan says:

    Looks awfully close to the Jordanian Army KA2 pattern.

    • Strike-Hold! says:

      The colors might well have been inspired somewhat by it – but the pattern geometry is good old CADPAT / MARPAT / UCP / NWU.

      Once upon a time, Propper developed the “Jungle Stalker”, “Mountain Stalker” and “Street Stalker” patterns and both NyCo twill and textured nylon were available commercially. It was short-lived however as the USN / USMC decided that “Jungle” and “Street” violated their copyrights and they were pulled from the market.

      “Jungle Stalker” was a particularly nice pattern – it used the M81 Woodland colors in a digital pattern. Slangvel appears to be the only person / company making anything in “Mountain Stalker” nowadays….

  2. Jesse says:

    Pretty sure I remember seeing Slangvel made in Mountain stalker. Probably here.

  3. Dave says:

    Thanks Eric, for showing this.