
Updated: EOTech to Discontinue Insight Branded Lights

This email went out to dealers early this morning from EOTech:

Dear EOTech distributors and sales representatives:

This letter is to inform your company that EOTech is discontinuing the distribution of its line of Insight branded weapon lights. The discontinuation will include all models and sku’s, including the following family of lights: M3, M3X, M6, M6X, X2, X2L, WL1 and WMX200. The IFL (Integrated Fore-end Light) remains strongly positioned in its category and will continue unaffected by this announcement. (emphasis added) The effective date of this change will be January 1st, 2014 and all existing purchase orders in the system will be honored. We are giving notice of these product changes in order for your company to adjust its product purchasing records or to make any final lifetime purchases of the discontinued products that are still in supply.

We request that you carefully review these changes and notify your buyers to place your company’s final purchases for available discontinued products as soon as possible. Orders will continue to be accepted until the end of the calendar year but only while supplies last. Additionally, effective immediately, MAP restrictions will be lifted to assist you in the movement of current inventory.

Warranty and customer service inquiries on the product line will continue unchanged per the L-3 Warrior Systems/Insight contact information provided in the product literature.

The decision to exit this business was due to the industry trend in this product category for low cost, foreign made devices. As EOTech product always has, and will continue to be built in the USA, the decision was made to exit this business and focus on the core product line and on our operations here in the USA.

We appreciate your understanding and assistance in helping us help you minimize the impact of this product discontinuation on your company. We also thank you for your continued support and success of the EOTech product line.

UPDATE: They aren’t going away. Insight will continue to produce and sell these lights.

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10 Responses to “Updated: EOTech to Discontinue Insight Branded Lights”

  1. vereceleritas says:

    In other words, they couldn’t compete with Surefire in this market.

  2. Haji says:

    Eotech’s end of the market was the less expensive light. Now that niche is getting taken over by imported lights. It makes good sense for them to get out of that segment.

  3. Chuck Mac says:

    The days of $200 flashlights are behind us. EOTech was just a distributor of the lights using their pre-established optic relationships, handling all the dirty-work required for dealers that L3 cannot properly manage.

  4. Sal says:

    So will insight only be be making military stuff then?

  5. d says:

    What about the M3X lights that are include in the SOPOMOD Block II?