RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

BCM Gunfighters Add New Faces


Bravo Company’s BCM Gunfighters have added to their ranks. They’ve been hard at work, stoking the brand and doing what they do best, train our military, law enforcement and civilian shooters to be the best they can be. Look for some exciting stuff coming from this bunch of guys in 2014.


4 Responses to “BCM Gunfighters Add New Faces”

  1. Mikko says:

    That`s what I call an All-Star team.

  2. Mohican says:

    Those are really tough motherfuckers!

    I wish…

  3. mike says:

    Nice to see Kyle showing up more and more places.

  4. Snake says:

    Fireteams Alpha and Bravo of Cold Harbor Special Projects Division (Black Powder Red Earth) /sarcasm.