SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Tactical NAV HD For iPad


AppDaddy Technologies’ Tactical NAV HD is a military-quality GPS tactical navigation system, built from the ground up for the iPad. It features a 1:50,000 map scale overlay, with live map annotations, drawing and distance calculation, and fully editable waypoint plotting functionality. The app utilizes MGRS, BNG, UTM, LAT/LONG, and USNG coordinates. It also features a one-button night mode function which allows for easier viewing in the dark.

One Response to “Tactical NAV HD For iPad”

  1. Hi,
    We have released a civilian Android App called PES. (Personal Eye System) on Google Play. It has a free trial mode. Military version is available from S&T defence.

    It is currently in use with Slovenian Police special unit, Secret service (VIP protection), and Slovenian Army JTAC teams.

    It might be interesting news for your readers as well.

    Kind regards,