SureFire XC3 – Tactical Pants Guide

Tactical Pants Guide has put together a tactical pants guide, which features information on many of the current tactical clothing manufacturers’ pant options. Each manufacturer is given a detailed profile in addition to a review of their flagship tactical pant, with additional styles also listed and detailed. This is a useful tool to compare price and functionality across brands when looking at purchasing new tactical pants.


10 Responses to “ – Tactical Pants Guide”

  1. Gunnar Gray says:

    In my experience 5.11 sizing is such a crap shoot that each pair must be tried on prior to purchase, and for best results you should grab 5-6 pair in the size just above and below what you actually want, one of them should fit. Agency buys several pair of the same size every year. The actual size is usually off by several inches in random directions. My fave were two that arrived at once, the pair I’d had for a year still fit, but one the new pair were high water skinny jeans sizing and the other were for an even shorter fat man.

    Before 5.11 they bought us Propper. My expectation of the stitching in the Double Knees and sometimes Seat was that it was rated for about half a grappling session before it gave out.

    Vertx seem to fit well. My only gripe is that knives and flashlights chew up the pockets pretty quick. I will buy more because they are the best in my experience so far.

    • JY says:

      Hi Gary:

      If you don’t mind 65/35 Rip stop. Try PHANTOM OPS MEN’S TACTICAL PANTS from Vertx. They added individual vertical pockets on both side for knife/flashlight/pens etc. I think this is what you need~

  2. defensor fortisimo says:

    I like vertx also, they’re a pretty discrete design that you can wear in a number of different scenarios. If you need to stock up on pants without breaking bank, I’d also recommend looking up LAPG, they’re well put together, if not exactly subtle.

  3. jjj0309 says:

    They missing two important opposite.
    Cheapskate LAPG and rich people’s extravagant tactical pants, the Kitanica.

    • HSR47 says:

      I’ve been wearing LAPG pants pretty much exclusively for a year and a half.

      They are highly durable, well designed, well made, and best of all they’re pretty much the cheapest pants I can find.

      Given that most of my work pants eventually end up getting splashed with paint, caulk, and a wide range of solvents, I can’t justify spending 40+ per pair for pants I’m just going to destroy anyway.

  4. G says:

    What about country of origin?

  5. Invictus says:

    Missing Fjallraven, Kyle DeFoor’s favorite Mountain Khakis, and my favorite .. Kuhl.

    • Ex-St. Paul Resident says:

      I suppose it kind of depends on how one would define tactical pant to see if those brands really compare. Though, they have some options that one would think would be appropriate.