RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Hodge Defense Educates Us On The Texas Revolution

Hodge Defense Systems offered a cool post on their Facebook page. Their marketing usually gives me a chuckle but this one caught my full attention. I’m a big fan of history. We’ve all heard about The Alamo but few outside of Texas know of the Battle of Gonzales.


Hodge Defense Random History Moment: The Siege of Béxar was first major campaign of the Texas Revolution, in which a volunteer Texan army defeated Mexican forces at San Antonio de Béxar (now known as “San Antonio, TX, God Bless The USA”). Texians had become pretty down on the Mexican government as General Santa Anna’s became lamely dictatorial. In early October, Texas settlers gathered in Gonzales to stop Mexican troops from taking their arms (a small cannon). The resulting skirmish kicked off the Texas Revolution. Men continued to assemble in Gonzales and soon established the Texian Army.

Santa Anna then sent his brother-in-law, General Martin Perfecto de Cos, (which is, admittedly, a pretty kick-butt name) to Béxar with reinforcements. The Texians initiated a siege of the city, a battle ensued, long-story-short, Cos surrendered after retreating to and holing up at the Alamo somewhere in the wee hours of 2 a.m. on December 10, 1835.

So, we’ve got some sort of a HDSI/Bill & Ted “This Day In History” vibe going on here. Relevancy? Nothing really, ‘cept that you shouldn’t ever give up civilian small arms to the government, and that Hodge Defense is based in San Antonio, Texas – so we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for these little historical-stars all aligning.


6 Responses to “Hodge Defense Educates Us On The Texas Revolution”

  1. Riceball says:

    Texians? First time I’ve heard of Texians, is that what Texans were called when Texas was still a part of Mexico?

    . . . General Santa Anna’s became dicatorial. . . ? What of his became dictatorial?

  2. AbnMedOps says:

    I think The Duke called them Texicans in “The Alamo”.

  3. Mike Nomad says:

    I’m with SSD: I prefer the term Texicans. Of the antique terms, it is overwhelmingly the one most frequently used.

    It may be coming back into common usage, but with a different/second meaning attached. Here in Houston, within the last few years I’ve heard a number of people using the term Texicans to refer to native born citizens of the state, who are of Mexican/Hispanic descent.