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Special Operations Medical Association

Each year the Special Operations Medical Association hosts the Scientific Assembly, a Multi-day seminar and trade show in Tampa, Florida, home of USSOCOM. Originally founded as a community of interest for SOF medical personnel, over the years membership has expanded to include tactical medical practitioners from the civilian sector.

Over the next two days, SSD will bring you coverage of some of the highlights from the show floor.


3 Responses to “Special Operations Medical Association”

  1. Josh says:

    It’s too bad SOMA isn’t what it used to be…it’s less and less about the medics on the ground and lessons learned and more a Medical Officer paid vacation jerkoff. I think last year, there were 3 actual SOF medics that gave lesson learned briefs? Plus, units have pretty much no funding to send guys down. I’m curious to see how this year’s attendance is looking.

    At least it’s still good to get some of the tactical medical industry together to check out the new kit coming down. Thanks for hooking that info up SSD.

    • SSD says:

      I noticed that last year. Few operational SOF medics but this year I saw quite a few more in attendance.

      • Josh says:

        That’s great to hear. Hopefully some sense is brought to the convention. It’s a great venue and there was no doubt it was a excellent way for medics to learn from hard truths and lessons in our art of saving lives.