RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Kopis Mobile Updated NTtv Data Sheet


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Kopis Mobile has updated the data sheet for their Networked Tactical Television (NTtv) system. Click the above image to view the entire document.

Here’s the standard description of the system:

Operators noticed that many action cameras (e.g. GoPro or Contour) were being carried downrange, and the rapid adoption of smartphones meant that video screens were available as well. The NTtv system links these two sets of COTS products – or any standard camera and smart device – to allow squad members to easily share video among themselves. With a small, inexpensive, rugged camera and convenient smartphone on hand, the addition of a lightweight NTtv box ties all of the squad together via an industry standard RTSP stream. A specialized NTtv app lets squad members easily flip through the ‘channels’. The minimal system footprint enables multiple uses of the same kit, so that a squad can migrate the camera from dismounted, to mobile, to fixed site surveillance while keeping every member abreast of the overall situational awareness.



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