SIG MMG 338 Program Series

2014 Crye Precision T-Shirt

Each year Crye Precision creates a T-Shirt that is sold during SHOT Show to raise money for charity. The 2013 T-Shirt from Crye Precision caused quite a stir. Perhaps, one year later, everyone’s point of view is a little different?



104 Responses to “2014 Crye Precision T-Shirt”

  1. Major Smoof says:


  2. Paul says:

    Some would argue the remaining 3 items have already been crossed.

  3. Eric says:

    They need to sell that on the web page, not just shot show

  4. lowandleft says:

    Oh… I want that shirt. Does anyone know where to buy it?

  5. c-dub says:

    Are we really supposed to be lamenting the loss of a healthcare system that cost more than any other industrialized nation’s, with worse outcomes?

    • Adam says:

      I believe we are, considering the alternative.

      • You says:

        You mean the alternative where people don’t go bankrupt because they sought medical care? How terrible!

        • mcs says:

          Oh yes, it’s quite obviously a threat to our way of life.
          Totalitarianism, really.

          • Zulu6 says:

            Hmmm MCS has a point – as a Retired vet I and my family have Tricare for life paid for by individual tax contributions. Same for ALL military and Congress critters – now 100% FREE healthcare with 100% government owned doctors, 100% government owned hospitals and 100% Free government provided health service is just cool Americanism, Yo! But those greedy civilians now have the chance at buying slightly subsidized cheaper health care insurance where they cannot be kicked off to lose their entire life savings is just straight up communist socialist tyranny … amirite?

    • veteran says:

      Absolutely. Im not saying it was not without faults or need for improvement but it’s outcomes were NOT were than what we will be getting now.

      • veteran says:

        *worse than what we will be getting now.

        • c-dub says:

          And this prediction is based on what, exactly?

          • Mark says:

            I hope you get what you want. A bellyful of it.

            • You says:

              Well since the healthcare will all be paid for he will be able to get that full belly looked at for free

            • c-dub says:

              What I want? What I want is a healthcare system that doesn’t refuse my three-year-old daughter coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Yes, I am happy to get a bellyful of that. You wouldn’t believe how happy.

              The ACA is bringing healthcare to millions of Americans who couldn’t get it under the old system. Your political ideology may oppose it, but I will choose my family’s health over your ideology every single time.

              • bobX says:

                So your family’s health is our responsibility? Pass the hat around for health care I guess. Taking care of your family used to start at home I think is the point.

                • c-dub says:

                  That’s the way insurance works. Your premiums help cover my family’s care, just like my premiums help cover your family’s care. That’s not new.

                  • bobX says:

                    Mandatory health care is. Sponsored by the government is also. And it is a plan entirely designed to force people who don’t need expensive plans to subsidize those who do. Enjoy though, cause surprise, it’s going to be exactly like tricare. When you’re sick of waiting in line all day to get prescribed motrin, think of being told “I told you so.”

                    • c-dub says:

                      I’ve got news for you: healthcare is already “mandatory.” If you decide to forego insurance, are you also going to forego medical care if you, or one if your children, suffer a serious illness or injury? Nope. You’ll be headed to the ER, just like everyone else.

                      And healthcare is already subsidized by people who can afford to pay more: again, that’s how insurance works.

                      Maybe I will have to wait in line for Motrin, we’ll see — but I’m not going to be pissy about waiting in a line when the upside is millions of Americans getting access to life-saving care. It’s called “the common good,” and I imagine it had something to do with your decision to join the military in the first place.

              • Philip says:

                c-dub, I’m sorry for your daughter’s condition, but I’m calling BS on your statement regarding more people getting the insurance they need.

                Most people I know who had insurance prior to ACA have since had it cancelled. What about people who couldn’t afford it even before the legislation took effect? Premiums are even higher now than they were, for less coverage. Those I knew who’d hoped for insurance under ACA are actually paying the fine because it’s cheaper than the basic plan. (My parent’s dilemma).

                The parasitic “gimme” crowd will still depend on the state/gov to subsidize their care anyway. They will continue to come in and be seen for miniscule things because their “free” healthcare and med subsidies are preferable to spending $4 on a bottle of Bayer or Benadryl. “I’m on XYZ-care/caid/assist so it’s free.”
                I work in an Emergency Room — I know exactly how the system works and how the leeches game it.

                Add that to the load of legitimately ill patients and a healthcare industry that experiences under-staffing almost universally, and you’ve got an overload on the system that WILL result in LESS direct patient care. (By the way, they’ll STILL complain about their “free” healthcare…which distracts me trying to help a patient because I have to take time to explain to some welfare frequent-flyer that the pharmacy isn’t an instantaneous pill dispenser.)

                A system overpowered by consumers and takers screws those working to earn their share. The workers have nothing to show for their labors because the leeches have dried it all up! Working to earn your fair share and rightful place is not an ideology, it’s just common sense.

                The government couldn’t even get the website for the ACA to run properly — and you want them controlling your health care? Just remember: “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.” — incorrectly misattributed to Thomas Jefferson, but true nonetheless.

                So, back to the original please tell me how that’s helping people who needed it?

                Sorry for the tangent, SSD. Back to SHOT Show coverage for me!

                • c-dub says:

                  You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. You’re claiming that more people won’t have access to medical care, but that the increase in people with medical care will overload the system. And it isn’t true that premiums are higher now, for less coverage. Some people’s premiums are higher, yes, but their coverage is significantly improved.

                  The website rollout was a mess, absolutely. But if you don’t think the government can have an effective role in healthcare, take a look at Medicare. That’s national, subsidized healthcare, and it’s been around for nearly fifty years — and it’s both more efficient and more popular than its private competition.

                  • Philip says:

                    No, what I meant was currently it’s overloaded because of the bums. I should have clarified.

                    People who can’t afford ACA coverage because of its cost will likely find their way into taxpayer-subsidized forms of healthcare, thus bogging down the system and impacting care.

                    • c-dub says:

                      People who can’t afford coverage already find their way into taxpayer-subsidized healthcare — it’s called the ER, where you ostensibly work.

                      And that’s one of the benefits of the ACA: expanding coverage will ultimately reduce the number of people who have to rely on the ER for primary care.

                    • Neville says:

                      Contrary to cdub’s suppositions about insurance fixing the ED-as-primary-care problem, real data:

                      It’s not about the magic insurance card. It’s about needing more primary care docs. Now stop screwing around with MY insurance so you can feel better about yourself.

                    • c-dub says:


                      You’ve cherry-picked the state with the most severe shortage of primary care physicians. The best predictor we have for ER use under the ACA is Massachusetts: since Romney’s healthcare reform, which is fundamentally similar to the ACA, visits to the ER have fallen between 5 and 8 percent.

                      Real data:

                  • Joe says:

                    Higher premiums but with significantly improved coverage?? HA. You might want to check your facts there. My premium increased and my deductible doubled from $500 to $1000, just so I could keep a plan that’s ALMOST as good as I had before, NOT significantly improved.

                    Unless you’re poor enough to get your coverage subsidized, you will be getting shafted.

                    • c-dub says:

                      If you want to trade anecdotal evidence: I don’t qualify for a subsidy, but my premiums stayed essentially the same, and my coverage improved drastically.

                      But anecdotal evidence being what it is, I’ve also checked my facts. The exchange plans have been exhaustively researched since they were made available, and the scenario I’ve described is generally true – but not in every case, as you’ve learned. You might be an outlier. Or you might just have to shop around a little more.

                  • Zulu6 says:

                    Ummm ?… Military Health / TRICARE / VA 100% Government health care.

              • Mark Allen says:

                Children up to age 19 (including your daughter) were guaranteed issue before PPACA (Obamacare). Further, there were no pre-existing condition exclusions for children up to age 19. PPACA didn’t really help or change anything there, so I’m calling shenanigans, Hoss. How do I know? I’ve held an insurance license in 49 states.

                • c-dub says:

                  Wow. Tell that to Cigna, Humana, and Aetna: all three were able to legally deny my daughter coverage until September of 2010, when ACA provisions requiring coverage for children with pre-existing conditions kicked in.

                  Who issued you those licenses, exactly?

                  • Mark Allen says:

                    Licenses were/are a Florida Resident License for Life, Health, And Variable Annuities. All the rest were non-resident issued by the respective states (all except WA state) by way of reciprocity, as Florida has one of the two toughest licensing courses and exams in the country. I currently still hold the Florida license and 9 other states (AZ, CA, CO, CT, GA, NC, SC, TN, TX).

                    • c-dub says:

                      I would have thought that a general understanding of Florida healthcare law would be a requirement for licensure.

                      Read up:

                    • Mark Allen says:

                      The article you point to references child-only policies. That muddies the waters a touch. The point being that child-only policies were unavailable in many states prior to PPACA. And in that regard, I’ll grant that you are absolutely correct.

                      However, not writing child-only policies is different than declining children or excluding their pre-existing conditions. A child could still get guaranteed issue coverage with no exclusions under a parent’s policy.

                    • c-dub says:

                      @Mark Allen:

                      If you read the article, you know that Florida insurers stopped writing child-only policies only when the ACA prohibited them from declining coverage for children with pre-existing conditions — which was completely legal before September of 2010.

  6. Mr. Precision says:

    (opens up bag of pop corn) ….

    Ohhhh YYEEEEAHHHH, …. this is gonna be just like last year!!!

  7. dude says:

    Thank you, Crye. Thank you for extending the wait for new camo because now we have to figure out how to adopt your shit without endorsing your disrespect to the commander in chief. I really appreciate how you think things through to support the troops.

    PS, welcome to choosing the life of a politician.

    • mcs says:

      Lol, it really is a shame.
      They’re so good at designing startlingly ingenious cutting-edge gear, armor, and arms, then they go off and pull idiotic political stunts.
      Unless stirring controversy and getting press was the secret purpose of the politics, in which case bravo.

    • SMS says:

      I’ve read SSD almost every day for multiple years. I rarely read the comments expecting the worst. Based on the quality of this comment I might have to change that policy.

      You are so right. Love CP’s designs and construction but cannot STAND their disrespect for the commander in chief shown in this and their last SHOT tee. It’s really unfortunate and a complete embarrassment to Crye in my eyes.

      • Ace says:

        Why do you guys see it as critical of only the POTUS?

        For some time this country has been straying like a new LT. with his first compass.

        • c-dub says:

          People have been making that claim that since the ink in William Jackson’s signature dried. Some things in this country are getting worse, sure — but some are getting far, far better.

        • dude says:

          I don’t know, maybe because by singling out his signature initiative, the ACA, with HEALTHCARE struck through, that pretty much identifies exactly who and when this message is directed towards. Without that, this is just a recap of the politicized news media’s recurring talking points over the last 15 years.

          The only helpful answer I can see here is that this is Crye’s idea of what important vs what’s theater and empty talking points. I still don’t agree, but it doesn’t cast this as such a blatant attack.

          Mr Crye, welcome to choosing the life of a politician.

      • LM says:

        Maybe its because our leadership has earned disrespect?

        Yeah I know. To the jingoists, its a difficult concept to hold the proper people’s feet to the fire.

  8. .308 says:

    exactly what’s wrong with this industry… real dumb.

  9. Jon Meyer says:

    Yay for ACA.. Reign in the socialism… Not! I like how people are offended about the “disrespect” of the POTUS, take a look at the scandals unbeknownst to a majority of the American people; how about Fast and Furious, Benghazi and unconstitutional executive orders just to name a few. Or the flood of propaganda and misinformation to push for gun bans, or how about healthcare reform most Americans did not want. I mean so deserving of respect, right? I mean I could have sworn he took an oath, something like to uphold and defend the Constitution.. Or was that just me?

    • bobX says:

      c-dub seems to like it. Good of the many outweighing the needs of the few and all that. He’s even got the heartfelt example. And children, cant forget about them. Our rights pale in comparison to their need. And appparently joining the Army means I accept the complete undermining of what responsibilities the Constitution delegated to the federal government. Because I like my tax rates going up and options going down. But the real argument shouldn’t even be on here, shame on our elected representatives for creating a situation where a shirt like this is even an idea someone would come up with. If you want to live in Europe, just move there already.

      • Mark Allen says:

        But his heartfelt example doesn’t even hold water.

        • c-dub says:

          You have no idea what you’re talking about, honestly. Tens of thousands of kids were denied for pre-existing conditions until the ACA required coverage. Spend two minutes Googling it.

      • c-dub says:

        I love this country, but I’m not sufficiently foolhardy (or arrogant) to think that our healthcare system is better simply because it’s American. Take a look at how our system performs relative to other large, industrial nations, and you won’t find much to be proud of. Our life expectancy is lowest. Infant mortality: highest. Preventable deaths: highest. Per capita expenditure on health: highest. Healthcare costs as a percentage of GDP: highest. Percentage of government revenue spent on healthcare: highest. We’re literally the worst in every single outcome, while paying twice as much as the countries with the best. And EVERY ONE of those countries has some form of national healthcare. Every single one.

        There is at least one statistic where the American health system rates above average: life expectancy for people who have reached the age of 65. Do you know why that is? It’s because Americans over the age of 65 have universal health care: Medicare, a government-run, subsidized health insurance program.

        And incidentally, the ACA is Constitutional. We had that debate already, all the way to the Supreme Court.

        • Joe says:

          Yes, it’s about as constitutional as the fine that you pay for not having insurance is a ‘tax’.

          There are too many people negatively affected by the Affordable Care Act to call it ‘anecdotal’ and as long as there are people out there getting hurt by this plan, it is not a good idea.

          • c-dub says:

            If you don’t think people were negatively affected by our healthcare system before the ACA, I’ll be happy to fill you in on reality. You’re comparing the ACA against an ideal that has never, ever existed, not even for a moment.

            • Joe says:

              So… We should replace something that doesn’t work with something that doesn’t work. Gotcha.

              That’s always the argument of proponents of the ACA. ‘Our current system isn’t working.’ Well the new system isn’t working either. People were hurt in the old system and people are hurt in the new system. Sounds like we weren’t ready to replace it just yet.

              I guess as long as YOU aren’t the one negatively affected by it, then it’s a great idea. Why wait for something that will help everyone when you can get help now at the expense of some other random people. Sounds a bit selfish to me. I wonder if the shoe were on the other foot, you would be such a big fan?

              • c-dub says:

                Yes, the ACA has its problems. Every healthcare system ever devised has its problems. You may be willing to wait until some flawless solution drops out of the sky in a cloud of magical fairy dust, but I am not.

                No matter what foot the shoe is on, I’ll choose the problems of the ACA over the problems of the status quo. The individual mandate and dropped plans are tiny details compared to denied care and outright lack of access.

                • Neville says:

                  Liverpool Care Pathway, c-dub. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

                  • c-dub says:

                    In reaching halfway around the world for your doomsday scenario, you’ve somehow overlooked the fact that we’ve had efficient, effective, government-run, subsidized healthcare in this country for nearly fifty years: Medicare. If you don’t think that works for people, just try taking it away.

    • Jason says:

      It’s a good thing that POTUS waited until his second term to get the ACA passed into law, if it would’ve been around in 2012, there is no way he would’ve been re-elected since “most Americans did not want” it…oh, wait….

  10. Adam says:

    The Affordable Health Care act is to expensive. Yes, great idea…. but the cost is to high, in money and freedoms.

    • c-dub says:

      The ACA is currently projected to reduce the deficit for the next twenty years. And it doesn’t diminish freedom, it enhances it. It enhances freedom from chronic, treatable health conditions; freedom from the medical bankruptcy that all too often follows; freedom from the threat that someone you love – and someone that perhaps depends on you for their life – will be denied healthcare because of a pre-existing condition. You can bang your drum for whatever romantic vision of freedom you like, but these are meaningful, real-life freedoms we can provide millions of Americans right now, today.

  11. c-dub says:

    If you’re on this site, you’re likely military. You were presumably once willing to fight, and perhaps die, to help secure the well-being of your countrymen. But now, somehow, securing that well-being by purchasing health insurance for yourself and your family is too great a burden? I’m sorry, but give me a goddamn break.

  12. Jon Meyer says:

    “Liberty means that even in a democracy, individuals have rights that no majority should be able to take away.”

  13. Jon Meyer says:

    Ohh by the way just because the U.S. Supreme Court rules something constitutional does not make it constitutional. Go read some U.S. Supreme Court cases, many they have ruled constitutional have later been deemed not. Even they have, can, and will be wrong.

    • c-dub says:

      You can have whatever opinions you like about their decision, but the determination of constitutionality rests with the Supreme Court, not you.

      The Constitution itself grants the Supreme Court the power of final interpretation. If you think your opinion trumps the Constitution, go ahead and scratch out the next line on that t-shirt.

      • Jon Meyer says:

        Like I said the U.S. Supreme Court has gotten it wrong many times. Do your homework. The determination rests with the people in a republic. People have the ultimate power and the people are sovereign.

        • c-dub says:

          Sorry, no. According the Constitution, that determination rests with the Supreme Court. You complain here that the POTUS hasn’t upheld the Constitution, but you’re strangely comfortable disregarding it yourself.

          • Jon Meyer says:

            You might want to take some CON-LAW to know how it works. The U.S. Supreme Court has been wrong on many occasions to what is constitutional or not. There are various cases in regards to race and womens rights that were deemed either constitutional or unconstitutional and then later reversed. They have also ruled in cases on a number of the Amendments in the Bill of Rights that were deemed either constitutional or unconstitutional and then later reversed. The U.S. Supreme Court has been wrong on many occasions. The people have the ultimate power because we put these officials in a position of office, from the bottom to the top.

            • Jon Meyer says:

              I don’t expect someone hiding behind a name like “c-dub” to grasp how our country really works or the fact all levels of government get things wrong, and quite often.

              • c-dub says:

                And there it is. When the intellect peters out, sometimes there’s nothing left but insults.

            • c-dub says:

              I’m fully aware that the Supreme Court can and has reversed itself. Reread my comments and you’ll notice I haven’t disputed that. Their fallibility doesn’t diminish their power to determine constitutionality, because they and they alone are entitled to reverse that determination.

              And yes, we do have the ability to indirectly influence the court’s composition, so your ability to determine constitutionality, as such, is somewhat less than, say, your ability to declare war or levy taxes.

              The statement “just because the U.S. Supreme Court rules something constitutional does not make it constitutional” is absurd. That is EXACTLY what makes it constitutional. Our personal opinions of court decisions have no bearing on their legitimacy.

              • Jon Meyer says:

                I am not going to argue with someone who lacks the intellect to understand we are a constitutional democratic republic and in the end the people are the final decision because a republic means the people are sovereign. The constitution is a rule book for the government; we the people make the final decisions. We vote representatives in office from the bottom to the top, entrusting them to justly represent us and protect our rights. Anyone in a position of representation not upholding the constitution and/or adhering to the will of the people can be recalled or impeached. No one within government, the U.S. Supreme Court included, is exempt from the will of the people or excluded from it. They can determine constitutionality all they want but if the people do not agree, it will change; time will tell. You can argue and dispute all you want but the people have the ultimate power in the end. Educate yourself on the principles the founding fathers built our country on and why we truly declared independence from Britain. They wanted power in the hands of the people; not an individual, a group, a bloodline, a class, but within the PEOPLE.

                I am sick and tired of this entitlement era where people think their wants are more important than the unalienable rights of the people. You want health coverage, it is your damn job to work your way into a career or position where you can provide it, it is not the governments job.

                You want more affordable health care, put pressure on our elected officials to stop: providing free healthcare to illegal immigrants, stop people and healthcare institutions from abusing Medicare and Medicaid, stop big pharmaceutical companies from pushing their shit products on healthcare professionals and institutions to prescribe to people and actually work to cure ailments and not treat symptoms, put a cap on medical malpractice lawsuit payouts, and much more REAL solutions to our healthcare problems.

                Making a tax disguised as healthcare reform that hurts more people than it helps, that people did not want, is not a god damn solution. Fix the real damn problems and stop giving people shit that will not, doesn’t, and will never work.

                We can start by making our shit politicians accountable, and making a god damn stand, to make our nation once again, GREAT.

                • c-dub says:

                  Chief Justice John Marshall firmly established the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review in the 1803 decision of Marbury v. Madison: “It is emphatically the province of the judicial department to say what the law is.” You do indeed, therefore, have the power to determine constitutionality, but that power is manifest only through the Supreme Court.

                  In other words, you have the right to your opinion, of course, and the right to act on that opinion to influence the court – but you do not have any right to a personal interpretation of the Constitution. The point at which any citizen operates under their own interpretation of that document is the point at which they have forsaken it.

                  As for your alternative solutions to our healthcare system: none of them affect the denial of care to people with pre-existing conditions. To use my family as an example: I have an advanced degree and a stable job with excellent benefits. I work very hard and provide well for my family. None of that matters, though, when my daughter was diagnosed with Type I diabetes, preventing me from buying health insurance for her at any price. You want this country to be GREAT, as do I. I don’t think any country that prioritizes corporate profits over the health of its own children could ever be considered great. You may think otherwise.

                  Despite your emotional claims, the “shit that will not, doesn’t, and will never work” works today, in dozens of large, industrialized countries around the world – with better medical outcomes and for far less money than we spend. Government-subsidized healthcare has even worked here at home, and for the past fifty years: Medicare is both more efficient and more effective than its private alternatives.

            • LM says:

              If the people had the ultimate power over the Constitution and courts, then we would have a democracy. not a federal republic.

              That is more dangerous than a supreme court that messes up occasionally. Where did you take Con-Law??? LOL

              Do you want mob rule where the people decide everything? move to that cesspool called South Africa.

              The adults and myself prefer a Constitutional Republic, for the flaws that it does have.

              What if the people decide you don’t need to own firearms for protection? hmmmm….

              • Jon Meyer says:

                No matter what position of office, someone voted them in or someone voted for the person that appointed them; hence the people have the power.

                LM, that would be neither a democracy or a republic. That wouldn’t anything. We are constitutionalist republic under a representative democracy. We are NOT a full republic nor a full democracy.


                As for “c-dub” yes those would affect the denial of existing conditions as corporatations would no longer be aloud to stick there meddling fingers in everything, it also would dramatically drop premiums so pretty much anyone with a stable income can afford health care, and the ones who choose not to, do not get fined or penalized for doing so.

                • Jon Meyer says:

                  a loud**

                • c-dub says:

                  “Corporations would no longer be allowed to stick their meddling fingers in everything.” Really? That’s what you’re espousing? Taking healthcare out of the free market?

                  So, a single-payer system, then? And you’re complaining about the ACA? Do I have that right?

                  • Joe says:

                    I can’t believe this is still going…

                    But since it is, I’m going to share more ‘good’ news I got from my doctor yesterday! (I say ‘good’ news because if I’m being screwed by Obamacare, it must be for the greater good and I need to be thankful for it!)

                    My doctor appointments that I have to do every 2 weeks to fix a chronic problem are going from $30 copay per visit to 100% out of pocket! So now I will be out about 150 bucks every 2 weeks! So instead of slowly fixing a chronic problem, I will have to drastically cut back on appointments and hope it is enough to at least keep the problem at bay.

                    Thanks Affordable Care Act! I may not be able to afford to go to my doctor, but at least some random poor people can!

                    Aaaand cue C-Dub to tell me that this is somehow better than the alternative.

                    • c-dub says:

                      Oooo those random poor people make me angry, with all their poorness and randomness.

                      I honestly can’t address your particular situation, since I don’t know anything more about it than what you’ve said here. If that is actually the best policy you have access to (and one that doesn’t have other coverage benefits you haven’t mentioned) then you’re somehow an outlier, because the vast majority of people being forced into more expensive plans are seeing improved coverage. And that is EXACTLY why the ACA is better – the majority of people are getting better access to better care. That’s the whole point.

                      Are some people going to be worse off under the ACA? Yes. If your scenario is true, you’re evidence of that. That’s truly unfortunate – but don’t pretend no one was getting screwed before. Millions of us were. I suggest you keep looking for a better plan, because the odds are very good there’s one out there.

                    • Joe says:

                      When three people, from three different income levels, in the same room, all are screwed by the ACA, that’s a problem. My doctor is going to just pay the fine for not having health insurance because his deductible was raised to $10,000, the nurse had to forgo a cost of living increase to keep the same coverage, and you already know my story. If you don’t think that is a problem, you’ve got your head in the sand.

                      But this just keeps going around in circles so there’s no point in arguing anymore.

                      Like so many others in this society, as long as you get yours, who cares if some poor schlub you don’t know can no longer afford to go to the doctor.

                    • c-dub says:


                      “Like so many others in society”? Like you? You’re apparently unconcerned about the tens of millions of people who are only now gaining access to healthcare – because you, personally, were bit in the ass. The fact is that the ACA has brought net gains in both affordability and coverage across the country (despite your exhaustive survey of three people).

                      As for your doctor, give me a break. He can’t figure out how to find a policy with a deductible less than $10,000? The exchanges are literally full of them. I could find one for him in ten minutes.

                    • Joe says:

                      Honestly yes, I am unconcerned about the ‘tens of millions’ that cant afford it, because I work my ass off to take care of myself and my family. To have it taken away because others think they have a better idea is just plain wrong.

                      How many of those tens of millions didn’t bother to graduate from high school or bother to go to work so they can afford health insurance? I’m sorry but I really have no sympathy.

                      Show me the actual number of people who were denied coverage wrongly before Obamacare, MINUS all the people sitting on their asses, unemployed or not bothering to get coverage because they wanted to buy a 60″ plasma for their trailer, and I’ll bet that number would be similar to the number of people getting screwed now. I fail to see how letting one group get neglected instead of another makes for a good idea.

                      This country was founded by people working hard to get what they needed. Now it’s filled with people who have to be coddled and handed what they want.

                    • c-dub says:


                      The GAO estimated the percentage of Americans with disqualifying pre-existing conditions at between 20 and 66%, depending on the carrier’s definition of “pre-existing.” Every one of those people – up to 122 million – could have had a full-time job with full benefits, and it wouldn’t have mattered: if you were cutting into your insurer’s massive (and rising) profit margin, you were out. Meanwhile, insurance company profits increased 428% between 1999 and 2007.

                      Perhaps more to the point, there’s also a huge difference in what means to get screwed now versus what it meant then. If you get screwed now, you have to pay a larger premium; if you got screwed then, you lost your healthcare entirely, no matter how serious or life-threatening your condition.

                      Thousands of people died every year for lack of coverage. I doubt your higher premium has the power to kill you.

                    • Joe says:

                      I give up. You win. But you know what they say about arguing on the internet…

                      As long as the majority is taken care of, who cares about the minority. That philosophy has worked out really well in the past too. As long as you were part of the majority. Good luck to you, hope you manage to stay as part of the majority.

                    • c-dub says:

                      We’re now in the same majority – citizens who enjoy the benefits of healthcare coverage.

  14. pc_load_letter says:

    I work for a public college in CA in the health services department (on campus hospital).

    We’ve seen hundreds of cases of 18 to 24 yr olds getting insurance that was once unavailable to them do to cost, pre-existing conditions or a myriad of other reasons.

    Not every person on this campus has the luxury of being on their parents insurance. Some parents themselves have no coverage (or job or work p\t etc). Never the less, they are getting plans for $40 per month on some of the silver plans.

    The would have otherwise been going to the emergency rooms and racking up thousands of dollars in bills. Which we saw time and again when someone with a broken bone needed to see an orthopedist.

    I am no liberal but I am seeing some benefit of the ACA first hand and it is helping.

    • Neville says:

      How does doubling my family’s health insurance premiums and our deductible solve the nation’s healthcare problems?

      • Darkstar says:

        By paying for the rest of the dude he was talking about who only has to pay $40 a month’s insurance?

        …Yeah I got nothing… It doesn’t.

  15. truth says:

    Crye Precision. Made in America but NOT made by Americans. Might as well be made in China if you get my drift.