RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

SHOT Show – A Quick Look Around The Crye Booth

This video, shot for SSD gives you a quick look around Crye’s booth and enhanced details covered in our earlier story.


5 Responses to “SHOT Show – A Quick Look Around The Crye Booth”

  1. 10thMountainMan says:

    Anyone else notice the mannequin had a bit of a belly pooch? Think he’s from 3rd Group or 7th Group?

    • You says:

      hes probably from YOUR group, tubby!

    • SSD says:

      Ouch, I’m an old 3rd Gp SOT-A guy. Why’d you have to pick on them. Everyone knows the 10th Gp guys put on an extra winter layer.

      • 10thMountainMan says:

        LoL no hatred for any group…. except the cartel members in 7th Group maybe (I kid, I kid). The joke just came out better with only two culprits.