
Special Operations Forces

From the video description:

Special Operation Forces – Department of Defense 1984 – PIN 701181 –

The film tells the story of the Special Operations Forces, and the special situations, for unconventional war, and a general war if the need arises because of today’s world situations. The evolving nations with political and economic power struggles have created a constant stream of world wide special situations and these are the missions of SOF.

1. Foreign internal defense
2. Unconventional warfare
3. Strategic and tactical reconnisance
4. Strike
5. Strategic and tactical PSYOPS
6. Civil administration
7. Rescue and evacuation
8. Collection security
9. Humanitarian operations
10. Terrorism counteraction
11. Civil affairs
12. Safeguarding of U.S. citizens abroad
13. Deception operations
14. Security assistance
15. Special Operations Aviation
16. Sabotage

17 Responses to “Special Operations Forces”

  1. Terry says:

    Now that brings back memories. We’ve come a very, very long way from those days…and that is a good thing.

  2. The Squish says:

    HOLY CAPT TOOL BAG, LT DOUCHE AND OPERATIONS SGT POOPY PANTS, THAT HAS TO BE THE WORST VIDEO I HAVE EVER SEEN. Special Guy, prepare to receive 1x standard issue green beret, 1x standard issue jungle bdu, 1x standard issue M16 and 1x standard issue stupid ass mustache. God dang that was horrible

  3. The Squish says:

    HOLY CAPT TOOL BAG, LT DOUCHE AND OPERATIONS SGT POOPY PANTS, THAT HAS TO BE THE WORST VIDEO I HAVE EVER SEEN. Special Guy, prepare to receive 1x standard issue green beret, 1x standard issue jungle bdu, 1x standard issue M16 and 1x standard issue stupid ass mustache. Dang that was horrible

  4. Mike says:

    Holy cow – an old GN-58 hand cranked generator laid out with the Demo Kit and the PRC-74 . I will have nightmares for the rest of the week.

    The only thing worse than jumping the generator was carrying the generator.

    The only thing worse the carrying the generator was trying to charge batteries when the the temperature dropped below (or way below) freezing.

    Bonus style points for the Cheesy Caribbean Opening Music and to the Junior 18C for not trimming his moustache.

    This video is OUTSTANDING ! Makes me want to sew the liner back in my Beret right now.

  5. Mark says:

    That was when BDU was new– the ODA commander was in jungle fatigues.

    It WAS a long time ago…

    • FormerDirtDart says:

      Actually, this is well after BDUs were initially issued. After Grenada, and HW BDUs were found to be a hindrance in hot weather operations OG-107s were issued by units from contingency stocks, and sold at clothing sales for individual purchase. This continued until LW BDUs were developed and made available in 1986

  6. Scott says:

    #15, spelled Special wrong…..measure twice cut once my friend

  7. Bman says:

    Solid gold. So glad another Ranger battalion was stood up and I bet the Army wishes they would have never downsized the SF groups. I think they are still well under their authorized strength since they started adding a battalion to each of the current groups. Really glad to see the vast improvements in technology and I think its funny they didn’t mention the naval aspect of Special Operations or the AF ground units. This was of course before SOCOM was established so not including others must have been the norm.

  8. pbr549 says:

    What patch was that Ranger CPT wearing? It didnt look like any type of scroll. It looked like the old 1st Special Operations Command patch.

  9. Tibor says:

    09.15 “I have a basic working knowledge of English language!” WTF?

    • Terry says:

      Inside joke I suspect. It was also a line in “The Green Berets” movie during the Gabriel demonstration..

    • SSD says:

      Phuck yeah! Used to be lots of muldoons in SF that came from somewhere else.

      • Terry says:

        True, but A lot of people probably aren’t familiar with the Lodge Act SF guys. In their case English was indeed their second language.

  10. 10thMountainMan says:

    Glad to know their Arabic was not much better than it is now. I feel less inadequate every day…… I think I just found my new motto.