
ZULU SIX Starring Dale Comstock, Jim Erwin and Max Mullen


A new movie starring Dale Comstock, Jim Erwin and Howard ‘Mad Max’ Mullen films this spring. As you can see by the trailer, some of the work has already been completed.

Written/Produced/Directed by Jeff Reyes with Chris De Pretis as additional Producer, ‘ZULU SIX’ looks to be a zombie movie. But with these guys involved, it might prove to be pretty interesting. Both Comstock and Erwin have recently been very active building their individual brands by utilizing the experience gained during military service in an Army Special Mission Unit but Max Mullens is no slouch himself. In certain circles he is very well known, having been recently inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame. Heck, he even boasts his own action figure.


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29 Responses to “ZULU SIX Starring Dale Comstock, Jim Erwin and Max Mullen”

  1. Spartan says:

    The two types of movies I can’t resist watching, zombie and special ops. Putting the two together and producing a quality trailer, I’m all over it.

  2. jose gordon says:


  3. Zulu6 says:

    Uh why is he using my callsign? I’ve had it for over 20 years! I want royalties!

  4. Miclo18d says:

    Max was my PSG in C-3/75. Good dude. He was always destined for Hollywood. He liked to entertain but wasn’t an arsewipe about it.

    If you get a chance ask him about the coat hangers he would poke through his arms and hang buckets of water off of them!

    Our platoon would always carry kali fighting sticks with us during training and for hip pocket training we would train striking. Good memories.

    Dave sends.

  5. Will says:

    Featuring Chris Costa!?

  6. Joe says:

    This zombie thing is getting old…

    • sean says:

      I’ve been saying that for the last 5 years.

    • Freeman says:

      Then don’t watch it. The “zombie thing” is just capitalism: a lot of people started watching zombie movies so a lot of people started making them. My gods I love this country.

  7. Padawan says:

    Hmm, that’s a lot of airsoft guns.

  8. You've got to be kidding me says:

    Just when I thought “Act of Valor” couldn’t be out done. Stick to killing terrorist fellas

  9. jack says:

    C’mon guys, why so much hatred? It’s like the royal flush of Superfight! Card game: Delta Force armed with M4 vs politician zombies armed with teeth?? OMFG!!
    The only thing that could top that is Delta Force armed with a James Yeager vs Zombie Chris Costa armed with rocktape…

  10. Ted says:

    Hmmmm. Zombies. The only PC enemies allowed other than straight white Christian males.

    • 10thMountainMan says:

      You forgot Nazis, but I guess they are just a subset of the white Christian males you mentioned………. even though they aren’t…… sigh.

    • Freeman says:

      Wait… Islamic terrorists are extremely common enemies in Hollywood, since most Americans aside from the outspoken fringe can agree that they are fucking evil.

    • This Gentleman says:

      Terrorists of the Mid East persuasion seem to be pretty PC these days…

  11. I’m speechless……

  12. 10thMountainMan says:

    I’ll admit I’m about zombied out. I’ll give it a chance though because I love a good soldier flick.

  13. Haji says:

    My standards for movies these days aren’t exceptionally high, and I’ll apply that standard to this one, too: if I don’t want to shoot myself in the head half way through, I don’t fall asleep, and I don’t feel like I wasted my time completely, then it’ll be worth it. Let’s face it, what’s coming out of Whollyweird these days is pretty high in suck factor, and most of it are remakes of movies that weren’t that good the first time. If this cane be entertaining, then that’s good enough.

  14. Mike Nomad says:

    I understand the haters: Plenty of wretched zombie movies in the last ten years.

    This looks alright. They sure do some talkin’.

    And I’m always interested in projects shot with a Red One (that aren’t Tolkien).

  15. Qball says:

    I am done with zombies too. But if your gonna do this. Can we make the CQB tactics legit?? That hurt watching. Only made it half way…

  16. Ironmnky says:

    Why are they wearing helmets and PC’s? What’s the threat here? Maybe just an industry funded marketing ploy?

    • Haji says:

      Think about it: if they don’t know what the threat is for certain yet, why wouldn’t they be wearing that armor? Read the chapter on The Battle of Yonkers in World War Z; it does a better job of explaining what I’m trying to convey.

      • Ironmnky says:

        Goes in line with flying sharks with laser guns……got it. Really doe, watch it again(scene where the guy is turning), they knew the score.

  17. Eric says:

    Needs some NODs. 😉

  18. AUSSIE says:

    More zombie crap! It’s so F***** old and was seriously immature in the first place! Some film makers just got to flog a dead horse! Come to Australia and we can make you a full on Mad Max II / Road Warrior quality movie involving a remnant SF Team, the derst and Post Apoc Biker Psychos now that would be good!

  19. Angry Misha says:

    Meh… LAME. At least they removed the blaze orange tips on the airsoft guns. Actually, it would’ve been better if they did. This is on par with NATGEO’s “SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden” and “US SEALs” (at least the latter was supported by the CalGuard lol).

    The plot line reminds me of that deplorable zombie pulp SFC John “Francis” Holmes publishes on his “PowerPoint Ranger” Facebook page lol.

    I hope they’re getting PAID lol

  20. Steve says:

    They will get my 10 bucks and my eternal gratitude for being at the tip of the spear for so many years. It amazes me followers of this site would disparage the commercial efforts of heroes like this. If you haven’t noticed there’s not a ton of civilian world demand for men with these skill sets. Good for them they are trying different venues to earn some monetary compensation for the blood, sweat, and tears they’ve given. Take the hate down a notch…