GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Notice Anything?


Army Rangers assigned to 2nd Battalion, The 75th Ranger Regiment, fire at an enemy bunker during task force training on Camp Roberts, Calif., Feb. 1, 2014. Rangers constantly train to maintain their tactical proficiency.
(The U.S. Army photo by Spc. Steven Hitchcock/Released)

65 Responses to “Notice Anything?”

  1. MikkoFI says:

    Nice Salomons

  2. DV says:

    I notice that man has fantastic stability… During the exposure length of that shot, which is long enough based on a few factors (the EXIF data has been stripped,) noticing that only his head and the end of his barrel move in that time. Otherwise both he and the soldier next to him remain completely motionless. (and upon further examination… The only reason his head moves is the two shots he takes.)

    Also props to Spc. Hitchcock… Fantastic shot!

  3. john says:

    what’s that in front of his elcan?

  4. Brock says:


  5. John says:

    Shooting star. What do I win?

  6. Kris says:

    240 barrel pointed at the camera man

  7. Tomaso says:

    Nice 2 shot group. A sattalite or meteorite ….and eather incoming round or outgoing.

  8. ocd+dpms says:

    What looks like it might be a broken sling?

  9. charlie says:

    They’re wearing multi cam, but are training in the US?

  10. Redleg says:

    Is that multicam arid?…

  11. Koda says:

    Space Station

  12. Mars Blackmon says:

    The shoes , it’s gotta be the shoes !

  13. Bill says:

    There’s a UFO in the upper right corner.

  14. Jack T says:

    HA!!! SSD madest thou look. So endth the trick! That can be found in the Book of Tricks under Shenannegans and Assorted Tom Foolery

  15. Vince says:

    Is it the Peltor’s on ARC rails or is that their gear is also in OCP? Or maybe that they are actually training somewhere other then at home? Also, there’s some good pig hunting out at Roberts.

  16. Bobcat H says:

    I see dual shots on RGR #1. Two barrels or trick photography?

  17. Brc says:

    the ranger firing appears to be wearing multicam arid pants.

    • Marmatt says:

      I thought this as well based on the shade difference between shirt and pants. The pants have a more overall brown appearance. I dismissed it because OCP often fades and “browns out” with use and dust/ dirt collection. They look like well used pants (there is a wear hole in the seat).

    • Tom says:

      You’re also comparing a Crye shirt to a pair of standard ACU trousers. The FR stuff looks different than non-FR

  18. HMFIC says:

    The muzzle flash and visible laser are photoshopped in and are upside down it looks to me.

  19. 404953C says:

    Salomon boots? Heavily photoshopped (note the poor masking around the gun and the sling is cut off).

  20. Thinkess says:

    Its not a really long exposure picture. The black masking is from movement, thats where the soldier was when picture started to expose, a little bit after the start of the picture a short duration light source from side/behind lit the scen, and thats why theyre quite sharp and not fuzzy.

    The green zigzag over the eye is another example of movement. The sling is another, it simply was moving the whole time until it was lit up.

    But other than that is probably gear related like boots, camo or other or its the lack of badges.

  21. Will says:

    AW gunner doesn’t have a microphone.

  22. Bushman says:

    What’s that shadow around the figure? Some fringe, darker than sky, in the 2 o’clock direction.

  23. Pro Patria says:

    Well since it’s been a big discussion here of late I’d have to say its the Rangers Firing position in the foreground. We have been talking about body mechanics of our night vision devices and how it relates firing positions. Kneeling has evolved as a possible alternative to issues with shooting from the prone. Time will tell if that is going to work out, but some interesting results were received.

  24. Eric says:

    The Ranger firing is not using optics on rifle for target acquisition

    • Reseremb says:

      NVG + PEQ

    • Pro Patria says:

      He is using his aiming laser and NVG’s from an alternate firing position optimized to the equipment he is using and his body mechanics. At least that’s the theory.

      Would be interesting to note how this relates to what our guys are working on.

  25. Big Juju says:

    I noticed that Camp Roberts is AWESOME!

    More pics of this Ranger exercise – and their boots – over at Ray Odierno’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.10151858643861883.1073741938.76339156882&type=1

    Looks like the Rangers are wearing FR OCP.

    Fort Hunter Liggett and Camp Roberts (if you haven’t been to either) are just a couple of miles apart.

  26. Aaron says:

    Camp Roberts Is A He’ll Hole, Liggett Is Better Because At Least The Barracks Aren’t From WWII And Has A FDIC Run ByAGR Cooks. Comc

    • OC Tactical says:

      That’s because Liggett is Federal and Roberts is controlled by CA NG. I heard they finally started tearing down all the condemned barracks. Not sure if it’s true though.

      • Big Juju says:

        OC Tactical – Yes – they’ve torn down a LOT of those old barracks at Camp Roberts and many of the existing ones have been significantly renovated. CA ARNG is definitely making lemonade out of those lemons!

  27. Sal Palma says:

    I’ll roll the dice… Dual tube NVD putting down unsuppressed area fire with an M4 using while using IR laser pointer to aim the weapon in multicam with Addifas boots.

  28. SketchyEndeavor says:

    What’s in front of his Elcan?

  29. Red says:

    Is that a NV scope on his rifle besides his regular optic?
    And live ammo…

  30. Virginia Beach says:

    ops core maritime helmets on rangers

  31. jjj0309 says:

    This picture has been taken from mars.

  32. Carl says:

    It seems strange to me that they’re wearing NVDs but are clearly being illuminated with white light. Do Rangers typically conduct black light attacks and use illum? Or is it just for the photo so the cameraman didn’t have to use night optics?

  33. straps says:

    Range Control is still stressing, but they’re glad the Batt Boys left without killing anything they had to document. They’re now a little more tolerant of risk–and accepting of control measures.

    The happiest person on Liggett is the lady who runs the Hacienda. In awe of the Rangers’ drinkin’ stamina, and appreciative of the gratuities, which will fund some upcoming recreational travel.

  34. Explosive Hazard says:

    Given a clue from the other post from SSD I would say the soldier not firing is CSA Odierno. Also I find it interesting that 75th Rangers are wearing maritime ops core helmets.

  35. Will says:

    Exchanging fire with friendlies?

  36. Reverend says:

    Umm… COBRA is firing BLUE lasers?!

  37. Chef Rigby says:

    i noticed that this is probably the highest quality photo you’ve ever posted

    • SSD says:

      I think you should go hang out at MP.net so you apparently need access to a tactical spank bank.

  38. walter shumate says:

    Regular old ACU cut pants.

  39. tictac says:

    Thumb covering the optics, or working a device on the rails

  40. Bret says:

    Is there an answer in the near future?

    • SSD says:

      Yeah, somewhere, a Sergeant Major is having an aneurysm.

      • Terry says:

        I’m no good at these guessing games. But based on your clue I’ll give it a shot. Are you’re talking about the cargo pocket that appears to be unbuttoned?

  41. OIFVET says:

    1. Rangers and 160th SOAR decided to come to a dump to blow sh*t up.
    2. They are wearing multicam CONUS. Which isnt suprising since they are SOCOM. BUT the CSA was also wearing multicam when he came to visit them.
    3. OpsCore Maritime helmet with attached comm unit.
    4. In other photos on DOD page you can see that that upper receiver on most rifles is not the standard Colt / FN one.
    5. Gloves are typical army issue.
    6. Boots are not normal issue.
    7. Combat shirt looks like Crye one.

  42. Mike173rd says:

    No eye pro

  43. Kaos-1 says:

    No AG with the machine gunner. Lmao !!!!!!

    • Terry says:

      Based on the M240 spare barrel in front of him, I think the kneeling shooter is the AG for the MG team. For whatever reason, the AG is firing and the MG doesn’t appear to be engaging targets.