Wilcox BOSS Xe

Magpul Now Shipping Updated MOE-K Grip


The MOE-K is now shipping in a updated configuration, featuring an aggressive new TSP texture and a slight increase in the grip diameter.

The MOE-K is designed as a drop-in upgrade for the standard AR-15/M16 pistol grip, offering a low-profile, compact design and steeper grip angle compared to traditional styles. Optimized for use with PDWs, the MOE-K improves comfort and control on rifles that bring the primary hand in closer to the shooter’s body or body armor.

Available in Black, FDE, OD Green, and Foliage.



3 Responses to “Magpul Now Shipping Updated MOE-K Grip”

  1. EODClass03180S says:

    I’m glad they’re making these improvements. I have a Gen 1, and the smaller diameter is the reason I don’t use it anymore. Also, FWIW, the K2 is AWESOME!

    • Timmay says:

      With you on the K being too flat, it’s in one of the parts boxes, the search goes on, K2? Nope don’t like it much…

      Will give this new one a try.

      Funny how the least expensive part on the whole system is the hardest to get to fit. Back in the day there was only one grip and we made our hand fit it.

      • Daggert says:

        Just get a chunk of plastic or wood and fit it yourself. Or overmold epoxyclay sand cast in aluminum or plaster cast in recycled grips that didn’t fit. infinite options.