GORE-Tex Professional

Erik Lawrence Launches New Company

Erik Lawrence has launched a new endeavor, Vigilant Security Services. He sold Blackheart International last year and felt he was ready to concentrate on VSS, a firm he founded in 2005 but just didn’t have the time to do much with.

Staffed by former SOF personnel, VSS provides the following services:

» Personnel Protective Services
• Executive Protection for VIP’s
• Private Security Details for Hostile Environments
• Counter-Surveillance

» Facility Security Services
• Site Vulnerability Assessments
• Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM)
• Risk Assessments & Security Analysis
• Physical and technological security
• Corporate Security Reviews & Audits
• Information and intelligence gathering
• Defensive Strategy Evaluations

» Security Training
• Security Awareness & Individual Protective Measures (IPM) Training
• Safety Training for Traveling Abroad
• Security Staff Training
• Firearms and Tactical Training


2 Responses to “Erik Lawrence Launches New Company”

  1. Chicken Legs says:

    Good on ya Erik! Wishing you success.

  2. robpopeye says:

    Best of luck Erik,
    Its a good move and i know you will do well
    Like your Gauer Garage too