
Facebook Denies BE Meyers Attempt To Promote 40th Anniversary Video

Typical, a Rep in the Facebook as department can’t tell the difference between “gun and knife sales” and national defense articles. BE Meyers doesn’t sell guns or knives. But that doesn’t stop a wild social agenda. Recently, this has been happening more and more on Facebook and other social media sites. It’s their house, but they alienate users with their nanny state policies. It’s worse when they ever widened to further exclude those they didn’t intend them to in the first place.


We’ve taken our share of guff for our pro-2A position at SSD but it’s things like this that demonstrate why we feel justified. The industry that manufactures guns for our citizenry is closely related to the industry that produces weapons for our troops. When we undermine one in a social experiment, we undermine the other.

Support the companies that support the Second Amendment as well as those that produce the tools to defend our nation.

19 Responses to “Facebook Denies BE Meyers Attempt To Promote 40th Anniversary Video”

  1. ARG says:

    I’ve experienced the same thing. I usually have to go into my site, hide benchmade knives and then boost an ad. Twice now I’ve tried to reply when they done this and when I try to submit my rant, it says there is an error. How convenient.

  2. jp says:

    But everyone will keep having their ridiculous “like us on Facebook” contests, and advertising on Facebook. Maybe stop doing that.

    • Chuck says:


    • Ash says:


      Seriously, remember just 4 or 5 years ago when your mom, dad, grandma, pastor, and DI hadn’t even HEARD of FB? Now here we sit, gauging our lives based on virtual feedback.

      Hey, I <3 tech, but this whole "social" media thing has been taken way to seriously… Can't wait for the thrill to wear off.

  3. Strike-Hold says:

    Well, I was more than happy to promote it on my Facebook page…

  4. Same as PayPal why we will never use such a anti 2nd Amendment site.

  5. Todd says:

    SSD Needs to have a social site:)

  6. Stryker Magnum says:

    I deleted my facebook account several years ago. I’ve never missed it.

  7. entrygear says:

    Posted to our FB page as well. More liberal manipulation of the internet. We’re just glad there are still several good sites available, like Soldier Systems, where we can get real information from. Keep up that good work and thanks for bringing this to our attention.

  8. Whiskey27 says:

    I’ve had the same happen on the Facebook of the business I work for (tac gear, firearm parts, etc.). Yeah it’s frustrating at first, but I don’t see how that automatically makes them “anti-2a.” Now if they removed ALL firearm related groups/pages from FB, that would be one thing, them not wanting to accept your advertising business is another. Poor business choice that may be, still their right to do so.

    • SSD says:

      Like I said, it’s their house.

      • Whiskey27 says:

        True, as you did say. After rereading it does sound like I insinuated that you said otherwise, was not my intention.

  9. We will never pay for ads or fans on Facebook. I have yet to see how the number of fans you have translates in to sales. I see companies that have upwards of 100,000 fans, but they are struggling to keep the doors open. Then I see companies that are dominating the industry and have less than 10,000 fans. It’s like “Ash” said, five years ago no one even heard of FaceBook. Now people are measuring their success or worth by the number of fans or friends they have. It’s ridiculous. Our industry got along just fine before the book of face, something tells me we’ll be just fine when we aren’t invited to the party anymore.

    I say SSD starts their own! I’m in!

  10. LM says:

    I hope facebook crashes and burns alongside the other charlatans in digital lala-woo-woo land who dont actually create anything besides 1s and 0s.

    Google. A pox. Alongside facebook. May they end up working in a Chinese salt mine…

  11. Dellis says:

    Closed my FB years ago cause I never posted on it and was shocked by how people base their whole day on FB. It’s a wacky sub-culture in there…it’s really anti-social.

    I have never tweeted, insta-what-ever….I’m a dweeb when it comes to all this social stuff but refuse to be caught up in it also.