
The RE Factor Chemlight Pocket


Designed to be attached directly to a Velcro equipped bicep pocket, the Chemlight Pocket from RE Factor, places up to 4 chemlights right at your fingertips in a discrete location. The design does not drastically alter the appearance of your uniform as you can see in the photos and attaches directly to the Velcro on your pocket.


Be aware that the dimensions are optimized for the Crye Precision combat shirt pocket (5.25″ x 5.50″). Made in USA! Offered in Black, Ranger Green, Tan and MultiCam, it will match virtually any uniform you are wearing.



5 Responses to “The RE Factor Chemlight Pocket”

  1. dmitkat says:

    Can anyone tell me why everybody make this chemlight pockets, chemilight bags, binders etc? Why do you need this chemilight so immediately you have to put it on your gun, vest, pocket? Is it some kind of fetish or a real need to light with chemy instead of flashlight?

    • Jon OPT says:

      They are primarily used for marking in limited visibility. Easy access is key to simplifying their utilization.

      Jon, OPT

  2. B says:

    Chem lights aren’t used as a light source.

    They are used as markers for multiple reasons. Medical, coordination points, danger areas, safe/cleared areas, etc.

  3. Smart. Looks like a good company too. We’ll order a few and send one out to the R&D team for feedback. (We’ll retrofit the Velcro with magnets of course.) Keep the smart ideas coming guys.

  4. AW says:

    There’s a perfectly good pocket already there.