SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Sneak Peek – SIG SAUER MPX Pistol with SBX Stabilizing Brace


SBX extended and folded.
The brace release.



18 Responses to “Sneak Peek – SIG SAUER MPX Pistol with SBX Stabilizing Brace”

  1. CoolBreeze says:

    Shut up and Take my money! Doubly so for one chambered in 10mm

  2. Hubb says:

    Have you gotten any recent intel on the MPX carbine getting approved by the BATFE?

    BTW, that pistol with “arm brace” is badass!

  3. JD says:

    Last I’ve heard these are legal for use without class III licensing. This comes from both some articles I’ve seen online (possibly here on SSD) and from a friend who’s working at Sig Sauer.

  4. Jack says:

    Dammit!! That’s another pistol I have to get.

  5. george says:

    So, any news on when the MPX pistol with brace will be released? SIG sucks at communicating an approximate date.

  6. C Reed says:

    If they start making a MPX pistol with the the brace in .300 Blackout they can count me in.

  7. Chris says:

    Can the entire stock be removed and fitted with the other Sig MPX stocks that would make it a SBR. Be nice to get one, file the paperwork then pick up the sliding stock and create an sbr

  8. xpoqx says:

    Am I the only person who thinks the stabilizing arm brace thing is stupid? To me, this device is only encouraging people to shoot (poorly) with one hand. I feel like safe manipulation of a loaded firearms is going to go out the window when the fools who play air soft and call of duty show up to the range with these things.

    I would much rather file the paperwork to get an SBR, than that thing.

    • Cymond says:

      You seem to have missed the part where the brace can be used like a stock, but avoids NFA registration. That’s a BIG advantage for several reasons. First, several states do not allow SBRs. Second, many people absolutely will not register their firearms. Third, a pistol can be transported across state lines without paperwork. Fourth, a pistol can be carried loaded & concealed unlike an SBR (imagine a braced pistol as a car-gun).

  9. Don says:

    Anyone know what the barrel thread specs are to support a sound suppressor? Looking at the .40S&W barrel.

  10. Ploopploo says:

    I can’t believe people are still p rattling about “class three license” what a load of shit.

    There is no such thing.

    To own a machine gun or any nfa item you just need to have the proper tax stamp.

    Stop talking about class iii it makes no sense dammit