
SIG SAUER Hall of Banners

I recently had the opportunity to visit the SIG SAUER factory located on the old Pease AFB in New Hampshire. The 106,000 square foot facility is impressive but our last stop was in the Hall of Banners, the very first thing SIG employees see each day.


The banners celebrate each firearm produced by SIG with a photo, model name and year of introduction. The first two banners say a lot. Consider the number of years between the P210 and P220. After this the dates get closer and closer together all the way up to the MPX, now in limited production.




9 Responses to “SIG SAUER Hall of Banners”

  1. Pieter says:

    Sig 210 must be the most beautiful pistol ever made….. Makes the 1911 look like a pie eating competition champion. With braces. Wearing blaze orange crocs. You get the picture….

  2. See Bowl says:

    After a year and a half our agency finally got a chance to test (for a day) the MPX as a possible replacement for our MP5’s. Excellent sub gun that met our expectations. I still love the MP5SD but I may be looking for a divorce soon from my old war horse if that baby ever gets into full production.

  3. Per says:

    Still using the P210 in the danish army….

    awesome weapon, but outdated!

  4. Frank Jansen says:

    The name “SIG” = Schweizer Industrie Gesellschaft (engl. Swiss industrial company) 😉

  5. Hmm, P250? I’m surprised that one isn’t hanging in the lady’s room…