Protact by Haartz

7th Group at Fuerzas Comandos

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The American team from 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) at the 2014 Fuerzas Comandos skills competition is currently in 1st place among 14 other country teams. With stiff competition from their allies, this 7th Group team is certainly well equipped. In addition to the Hodge Defense Systems AU-MOD 1 upper receivers, Velocity Systems BOSS Rugby Shirts and Crye Precision Tropical Combat Pants seen here, they are also shooting GLOCK 19s with upgrades from Zev Technologies and Leupold‘s upcoming Delta Point Pro red dot.

photo 2

15 Responses to “7th Group at Fuerzas Comandos”

  1. MRC says:

    Nice Velocity Systems BOSS Rugby Shirts!

  2. BT says:

    Any reason why Mexico didn’t field anyone at the event?

  3. Reseremb says:

    Checking other pictures at DVIDS website, Crye Precision AirLite plate carriers? Or the new ones from BFG?

  4. SSGCMW says:

    What is that on the bottom of the barrel between the vertical fore grip and the mag well?

  5. Teddy says:

    nice to see that 7th grp is getting issued tropic crye for a fucking competition, and i cant even get tropic patagonias for real world ops in the jungles of Africa. smooth.

    • SSD says:

      Considering one has nothing to do with the other I’m curious why you are so upset.

    • straps says:

      That’s capitalism.

      A shrewd product placement move on the part of a military contractor seeking to realize the value of its investment in a family of patterns the Army wanted to own without buying becomes a lack of support for someone downrange whose exploits will never be public record if everything goes right.

    • If I were a betting man, I’d bet that the manufactures donated or offered a significant discount on their gear to the team for media exposure and no one used unit funds for a competition.

    • matty says:

      My understanding is SPEARS doesn’t support tropical multicam. So it’s not 7the fault.

    • red diver says:

      because Colombian Jungle > African Jungle…..

  6. corsair says:

    USA finally podiums!

    1. Columbia
    2. USA
    3. El Salvador

    Congrats to all participants.