TYR Tactical

I Run Across The Coolest Things


Details coming soon.


8 Responses to “I Run Across The Coolest Things”

  1. diluted says:

    Is that the new SKEET IR?

    • Vince says:

      Not the OAYSYS/BAE SKEET or the UTM/X. Standing by for Eric’s details. Although, I’m issued the UTMX, and I love it, I would like to see what this is. Also, we use that Wilcox mount and it is a badass interface. It’s pretty damn robust and won’t actuate on it’s own.

    • Explosive Hazard says:

      That was my first thought as well. I love that thing and used it extensively during my last deployment. I really like the Wilcox mount that allows the user to run the PVS-14 and SKEET side by side.

  2. Doc says:

    Hell yeah, I have that same chair too. Damn fine Walmart purchase, super comfy. Thanks for the coverage SSD. 🙂

  3. Sal Palma says:

    I don’t know about the Walmart purchase thing. It looks more like Corinthian Leather than Hide of Nauga…

  4. Thomas says:

    What do we have here? ((( (( (ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS) )) ))) .. *evil laughter*

  5. Will says:

    I have one! Was playing with it last night. Pretty solid little unit….still trying to figure out how the dove tail is supposed to seat without wiggling.

  6. NOLA says:

    Similarity to an Insight MUM with Samson MFG mount. (Except Samson is better and flip lever)