AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

National Airborne Day

August 16th commemorates the first official US military parachute jump in 1940. In 2001, it was officially recognized by proclamation of President George W Bush.

Those early paratroopers were crucial to our victory in WWII. One of our readers shared this video with us. “Project Vigil: D-Day 2014, The saluting boy on Omaha beach”, take a moment to watch it and know that not everyone has forgotten about the contributions and sacrifices of our Greatest Generation.

Thanks Doc Haight for the video!

5 Responses to “National Airborne Day”

  1. Matthew says:

    I was actually moved by that. Good on you, little man.

    I had the privilege of giving a talk to British veterans on Sword beach a few days prior to the D-Day Commemoration in 2009, and it is one of the proudest and most humbling things I was able to do during my military career.

    Lest we forget.

  2. bulldog76 says:

    and i find it funny people are saying the airborne is no longer needed and thats what heliborne forces are for *rolls eyes*

  3. Andrew says:

    Fucking motivating little boy, er Man…

  4. aber says:

    A true patriot! AIRBORNE ALL THE WAY. OUT STANDING!! For all you weak asses, this is one of the reasons we fight.

  5. Cueball95 says:

    Makes me proud to be a citzen of the United States. Such an inspiring gesture.