SIG MMG 338 Program Series

VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools


With the adoption of LEDs, the traditional battery-and-bulb flashlight became largely obsolete, as LEDs are capable of producing light with reduced power requirements. VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools were created to utilize the form factor of these traditional flashlights by using a small form LED light and converting the extra handle space into storage for outdoor and survival gear.

Made from MilSpec 6061 seamless extruded aluminum, the VSSL is a waterproof 8″ x 2″ tube which comes standard with a dual mode LED flashlight and an oil filled compass. VSSLs are currently being offered in three configurations: Supplies, First Aid, and Shelter, which feature pre-packaged components. The Supplies configuration, for example, includes the following items, stored in tins specifically designed to fit in the VSSL:

• 4 hour pure Canadian beeswax candle

• Razor blade

• 6 Aquatabs® water purification tablets

• Wire saw (high tensile, 60lb working strength with handle straps)

• Aluminum beadless emergency whistle

• Waterproof matches

• Tinder Quik® fire starters

• Fishing Gear

• Signalling Mirror

• Kevlar® rope (150lb breaking strength)

• Reflective trail markers

• P38 military GI Type can opener

• First aid supplies

Made and assembled in Canada, using components from Ireland, India, USA, China, Mexico and Canada. Currently available for pre-order, with an expected ship date sometime in Fall 2014. If you’re interested in picking up one for yourself, they currently have promo code PREORDER20, which will save you 20% off your order.


One Response to “VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools”

  1. Todd says:

    Thanks for the mention.