SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Who Says Teeth Don’t Look Awesome?

The other day we posted a photo of LBT’s new van complete with Flying Tiger teeth. One of our readers said that the teeth thing had been overdone. Perhaps, but I don’t see how you couldn’t love this.


This muzzle was created for a friend’s pup by the folks at Working Dog Dry Goods.


10 Responses to “Who Says Teeth Don’t Look Awesome?”

  1. badjujuu says:

    Not to steal the thunder….but I want to know where can one get that collar

  2. badjujuu says:

    thanks, I clicked on the link and FB page tried to load….I google them and vuala!

  3. Danke says:

    Teeth aren’t overdone. Flames are overdone (although that dog could probably pull it off).

  4. straps says:


  5. xpoqx says:

    Just because I didn’t like it doesn’t mean that I did not understand. Personal preference, ya feel me?

    This though, this pretty f*cking sweet.

  6. Mike Mike says:

    The van still sucks, and I understand what the teeth mean as well…but the dog is AWSOME!

  7. eddi says:

    I think I hear a snickering sound coming from inside that muzzle. Good dog man.

  8. Ex Coelis says:

    Now THAT’S Hair & Fangs!!!!!!!!!!!!! MASSIVE Cooool….