FirstSpear TV

The Velocity Systems BOSS Rugby You Can’t Get


I love my BOSS Rugby but even I don’t have one this cool.

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8 Responses to “The Velocity Systems BOSS Rugby You Can’t Get”

  1. Justin says:

    I’m in California, I’m used to not getting.
    But really, why do companies pull shit like this? It can’t be cost-effective to buy the fabric to make one shirt. If you make it, people will buy it, so actually make it.

    • netrunner says:

      +1 I’ve been wanting this since they released a picture last year

    • SSD says:

      With digital printing you can run a few yards for prototyping. To get a run of a custom print on a new substrate can be upwards of a 5000 yard minimum. That’s a lot of shirts to sell and a serious initial outlay of cash for the fabric that you won’t see a return on for well over 6 months.

      • AlexC says:

        Then run a kickstarter campaign! Make the backing amount equal to the price of the shirt, and if you raise enough orders you’re good to go.

  2. Felix says:

    Keep calm folks, VelSyst will release other colours soon, thats what they commented on facebook when posting this Image :).

    In the meantime, tell everyone who hasnt already purchased a BOSS Rugby that it is about time 🙂

    • JB says:

      Releasing some in patterns suitable for hunting, like Kryptek, after it gets cold and early season archery has essentially ended would be genius…

  3. D says:

    They announced colors, not patterns. Which is unfortunate, because I think a Multicam version would sell.