TYR Tactical

Coast To Coast Ride For The Fallen


Coast To Coast Ride For The Fallen is an upcoming charitable endeavor in which a man named Cris is going to ride his BMW r90 motorcycle across the USA, from California to North Carolina. The trip is in honor of SFC Ryan Savard, who lost his life due to injuries sustained from heavy machine gun fire in Konduz Province, Afghanistan, and other Soldiers like him.

The ride will raise funds for the families of those who lost their lives. Cris will be active through social media, asking other riders to join him on his journey East. He will also stop in key locations to promote the actions of Ryan Savard, and to educate the population on those who sacrificed themselves for their country.

There is currently a GoFundMe campaign active for those wishing to donate towards this cause: www.gofundme.com/bike4thefallen

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