AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

ATS Tactical Gear – Medical Triage Lights

ATS Tactical Gear has released two new medical triage lights, the MTM and P2. Each light measures 3 5/8″ x 2″ and are 1/4″ thick. 3M adhesive Velcro hook backing allows the light to be fixed to anyone or anything which has Velcro loop.


The MTM features a red LED with a 200 hour run time. The light is controlled by an on/off switch. It is capable of operation times of one and three hours. The light can also be turned off at any time.


The P2 is a casualty assessment tool that can run up to 160 hours. It can be switched between four color modes: red, green, yellow, and blue. When initiated, the light will be in a constant on state for 5 minutes followed by a flash once every second for 55 minutes, which indicates that the patient may need reassessment.

Both lights are available now at or by calling 270-439-0302. For unit or department purchases contact Jimmy Bonner at 270-498-8960.


8 Responses to “ATS Tactical Gear – Medical Triage Lights”

  1. MED says:


  2. Felix says:

    Color visible when light is off?

    Like this !

  3. Joe says:

    To bad they aren’t cheaper, they would be great for ems departments. I know none of the departments I have worked with would go for this over the cheaper tape, tags, and tarps we currently use.