TYR Tactical

FirstSpear Friday Focus – Tactical Hand-Warmer

It’s already cold many places in America so it’s about time we show you FirstSpear’s Tactical Hand-Warmer. It’s is one of those things you wish you’d had with you, when you don’t. The Tactical Hand-Warmer is essentially a fleece lined tube that can be attached several ways to you and your kit to keep it handy.


It can be attached directly to your platform or worn on its own with a strap that stows inside of itself.

The cuffs allow you to tighten it around your wrists or to close it up if you are storing something you need to keep warm such as NODs.


Additionally, it incorporates a built-in stuff sack so you can stow it away when not needed. Finally, it features pockets to hold hand warmers or other essential items.


Tell you what, just watch the video and it will give you a good idea of what is going on.

Available in Black, Coyote, Khaki (not shown), Ranger Green and MultiCam.




26 Responses to “FirstSpear Friday Focus – Tactical Hand-Warmer”

  1. mike says:

    I really like how simple the video is while hitting all the points. Cool looking hand warmer; pretty much what we’ve come to expect from FS.


    Looks a lot like….http://fhfgear.com/tactical/molle-muff/

    • SSD says:

      Except that these were made at Eagle and Under Armour and Wild Things and FirstSpear and like three other companies. Ever see what Quarterbacks wear? Or hunters?

      • RAAANNNNNNGGGER... says:

        Oh yea totally. Your TOTALLY RIGHT!!! O…M…G I cant believe I never thought of that?!?!?!

        • joe_momma says:

          the only comparison i see between your mentioned item and the FS, is that they both have holes for hands…

          the FS can be stowed away in a little pouch. can be quickly attached or removed via clips, not velcro. had drawstrings for sizing of closures (not just stowing), the FS can be worn solo via its own belt loop, and so on.

          your comment appears to be in a fashion of discounting the FS, and SSD was just saying that no one was saying that FS invented the hand warmer, we all know OSOE invented it. He was just saying that there are various other makers out there, and was adding to the list you already started.


    I think the problem with your comments section….is that you always think your right. On top of that small unfortunate hangup…you always think people are attacking something. I was saying. This…..loooks…..a lot like this one. Here is another option… How would you like people to phrase this stuff?

    • Riceball says:

      While SSD does seem to get a bit testy at times I think that it’s in part because there’s a lot of comments to articles deriding the product. There’s always the “yawn, another AR” comments, or “this is just a copy of X” so I think it wears thin on his patience. I can’t say that I blame him because I get tired of reading those kinds of comments too. So while you may be asking or posting your comment in all perfect honesty SSD and long time readers see that type of comment all the time.

      • regularguy says:

        While true some people post the same crap messages or have the same one track mindset, I am actually happy just to have a place to receive new kit/mil info. I actually like first-spear tremendously (first spear friday focus being reoccuring), but I believe they are very pricey and some of their products do have some drawbacks (being made in USA does make it pricey so no surprise). Doesn’t make them a bad company and people should provide their outlook on the company accounting advertising and marketing strategy and company statements for a product to have a more well rounded discussion.

        It’s technically the duty of SSD to set the example so to speak since he is calling the shots (or I assume so as he talks of disbanding comments meaning he has the power), but in turn, its the responsibility of the poster to have some sense of appreciation for something. I bet SSD feels like he doesn’t want to post some info just because of the comments he will receive. Yes, OH MAH GERD, I am talking about feelings and a sense of being free to be stupid as this is America. As a nation, we don’t discuss the problems with too much freedom and as a prior jarhead grunt, sometimes an ass chewing is necessary to keep in line and I am talking from the low end totem poll, not above. In some sense, I think that’s what SSD is trying to do more or less to make people understand…(then there are those other people that are just individuals…aka not like the others)

    • Justin M. says:

      How do you think an advertiser feels when shills, astro turfers, and other non-advertisers are trying to promote their products in the advertisers story? Its poor form, and frankly, done without class.

      Some may respond that they don’t care about the advertisers, but keep in mind that those ad dollars are what pay for our access to this information and platform for dialogue. The least we can do is respect that.

      Now, on the other hand, had you or someone else been contributing to the discussion and mentioning a feature that you would really like to see in the above mentioned product, or, something that resembles a review or comparison, that would be considered contributing.

      Think bro. That is all.


      • regularguy says:

        “Think bro. That is all.”

        It’s comments like that which ignite a war or feud or whatever what have you. Not trying to moderate, but if you are gonna take the time to explain to someone what they need to understand, I am going to tell you where people will trip up on your words.

        What you mean is “think” of where the advertiser’s position and predicament when blah blah blah.” At least from what I gathered, that’s what you meant. I myself have been guilty of this, but when someone tells me to think bro, you are more or less saying use your brain jackass. It might not even be what you meant, but in terms of “thinking”, you need to remember even one thinks differently or holds different beliefs thus interpreting different situations.

        Not trying to lecture, but even when I first read your statement, I still took it negatively until I read the last statement then the first again. Just trying to help bridge the gap on understanding here, not trying to start anything

    • SSD says:

      I am right…this time, every time. The thing is, if I wasn’t right, no one would read my website. Instead, they’d go somewhere else and read their wrong stuff. In the rare event I’m wrong, I fix it. Also, the comments I make in MY comment section aren’t a problem.

      When something is a commodity product (and this is) and some guy says, “Oooo a copy!”, it gets old, REAL old.

  4. Stefan S. says:

    The old Military told you to suck it up cupcake!

  5. mikek says:

    And their target market of snake eaters will never buy it because THEY can put their hands in their pockets anyways. 😉

  6. AlexC says:


    A quick search into SSD’s history shows that SSD has covered BOTH First Spear’s and FHF Gear’s versions of a tactical hand muff going back to 2011. I remember buying a very old issue version in a surplus store years ago.

    1)SSD has an advertising deal with First Spear, called the “First Spear Friday Focus”.
    2)Winter is coming.
    3) It is not unreasonable that SSD covers a winter item of a manufacturer that they have a relationship with.

    I don’t see anything wrong here except for the complaining. Sarcasm and insults just make you seem unprofessional.


  7. Jeremy says:

    Just got added to the Christmas list to replace the cheap realtree one I use now.

  8. LowSpeed says:

    1SGs and CSMs will lose their freakin minds seeing this haha, I might pick one up anyway. Cool Article SSD!

  9. Paul says:

    I was just doing a little google analytics browsing and found this post and subsequent conversation. Sorry SSD, I haven’t had time to follow you like I used to! A similar conversation has been had before, and we all agreed that neither of us invented the hand warmer. Thanks RANGER… for thinking of me, but in the sewn goods industry similar items are the norm. Back when I first started I thought I was the first, as I didn’t know anyone else was making them. SSD was quick to show me where I was wrong, and since then several more companies have come out with similar items. It is what it is.