RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

2015 Magpul Calendar – Behind the Scenes

Available for pre-order at www.magpul.com


11 Responses to “2015 Magpul Calendar – Behind the Scenes”

  1. Big Juju says:

    Disclaimer: No Utah Guard resources were used in the making of this calendar.

    • Stan says:

      What! No government owned tanks? I am offended… And outraged….

      • Angry Misha says:

        Indeed, James Bunten of Paladium Group will be upset that he can’t initiate another IG investigation on the unit that he was booted out of.

        • Eric B says:


        • James B. says:

          You don’t have much room to talk about being booted out of anything. The Marines, the Riggers Shed in country, then 19th, eh Mike? Didn’t feel too good when CSM Reeseman jumped your ass for wearing a CIB you weren’t authorized to, in front of the whole GRP element arriving in AFG, did it Mike. Oh yeah, nobody has forgotten that.

          When the IG report is turned over to command, the truth will come out about who did and didn’t do what.

  2. Adam says:

    I’m not sure where these calendars are going with the high fashion models, but I strongly prefer the HotShots calendars. The girls of the Magpul calendars look so out of place with those guns that it looks awkward.

    • Scubasteve says:

      Agreed, Im glad Hot shots picks their girls based on their shooting resume.

    • Magpul says:

      A lot of calenders that fit the description of a standard “girls and guns” calendar. If you like that there plenty out there that will give you what you want. For us the challenge is taking on a powerhouse industry (fashion) and doing it better than them while adding in firearms to the mix.

      If you look at some of the selects we have posted on the web site the girls look relaxed and in control. Far more than you typical industry calender.

  3. Glen says:

    Kickass beard on Mr. Helm. 🙂 And the ladies…were nice.

  4. merica5456 says:

    If you are going to call someone out….you should probably not delete their replies 😉

    You don’t have much room to talk about being booted out of anything. The Marines, the Riggers Shed in country, then 19th, eh Mike? Didn’t feel too good when CSM Reeseman jumped your ass for wearing a CIB you weren’t authorized to, in front of the whole GRP element arriving in AFG, did it Mike. Oh yeah, nobody has forgotten that.