We grieve for your fallen from the recent domestic attacks on your armed forces. When they attack you, they attack all of us. Stand strong.
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on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 at 19:12 and is filed under Admin.
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God bless our allies.
Respect and comraderie from America to any canadian who reads this.
Absolutely – I have several friends in Canada and I definately stand with them !!
And the bastard was shot by another hero named Vickers. How about that eh?
Excellent !!! Holding the line !!!
Stand together, stand strong, stay vigilant–ESPECIALLY in light of the upcoming Remembrance and Veterans Day observances.
We are all in this together and Canada will be in my prayers today!
Thank you from Ottawa
Thanks for your support Brothers.
Thank you, we appreciate your prayers and comments.
Prayers and support for you brothers and sisters. If there is a Valhalla, the man killed standing watch at the memorial for his fallen brothers has unquestioningly earned his seat at the table and his murderer a place in Hell.
Sorry, but I don’t stand with the Canadians. This is THEIR problem. And what’s left of the United States needs to stay out of it.
You folks need to start worrying about the criminal in the West Wing. The invasion by illegals he has endorsed. And the refusal by both soetoro-obama and the scoundrels in the US Congress to turn back all flights into this country originating from Ebola infested nations.
Wake up people. Canada is NOT our problem. Start having concerns for the debacle that is becoming the former United States of America.
And the “Internet Dick of the Day” award goes to Dan!
Let me get your position straight DAN.
Terrorism is Canada’s problem and the US should “stay out of it”?
I don’t usually call names but that is the most moronic statement I have heard from anyone in a long time.
Don’t they have TV in your basement? Or perhaps this is your first venture onto the www?
I’m sorry that I wasted this much of my life responding to your ignorance.
I just looked at your 18 comments and virtually everyone has been negative.
Because it’s no fun being a shitbag if you can’t act like one.
So ban the fuckstick
It’s a little difficult to stay out of something you’ve been opposing for the past decade or more.
You are absolutely right Dan. I mean, it isn’t like the Canadians deployed in support of OEF/OIF. They definitely haven’t spent the last 13 years fighting the same war as our allies.
You’re also right that Canada is not our problem. They typically don’t attack us, or send illegal immigrants flooding over the Minnesota order. When they get attacked during a war that we have been fighting then it is our problem. When your brother gets hit, you step up and start dealing too.
When a chickenhawk buggers a chicken, DAN III drips out.
Thank you for the support. We’ve been attacked twice this week so far, and no doubt there’s more to come. Everyone is on high alert.
I don’t know what to say that hasn’t already been said. What happened today was horrible. My deepest sympathy to the victims and respect to the first responders.
God speed brothers. When you get the chance, exterminate the rodents. Support from USA.
Tough times ahead and not just in Canada.
Another fine young man off to the big reorg in the sky.
God bless our brothers to the north,
Its a small world and Very connected in blood, friends and kin
We are sheep dogs and we care!
Seperatism will brake us
Embrace spirit of unity
To our Canadian friends ; let me be man enough to apologize for the Fucktard named Dan III who clearly was dropped on his head repeatedly when young
Those of us who understand how the big world works stand with you always !!
Thanks for the support, and don’t worry about the asshole- we have plenty of those up here as well.
Hopefully my nation finally comes to terms with the fact that wanting everyone to be nice is not going to make any difference. Facing up to reality, and taking action is the only way to influence the world.
I also stand with and pray for the Canadians who have been hurt both physically and/or emotionally by these coward attacks.
Now my rant….will Obummer or anyone in his admin call this “work place violence” I wonder?
I am watching the news and his and others speeches to see if they call this an “act of terrorism” cause if not one must wonder just what in the hell they consider an “act of terrorism”? Maybe a local Tea Party gathering?
Partner, you should have stopped after your first sentence.
This thread isn’t about American politics (or Canadian for that matter)…so why insist on inserting politics into it?
Like most here I stand with our fellow North Americans and others who have the guts to oppose terrorism around the world.
Nuff said.
“Never let a crisis go to waste” appears to work for both sides of the aisle – unfortunately.
Thank you for the support.
Just returned from Canada 2 days ago, bless any country or individual who stands against evil.
Was browsing an tourist information rack and found a very well done brochure describing CAF activities in Afghanistan, not something you’d find in a visitor center on the interstate in the USA.
Maybe one of our posters would like to be an animated target holder for the Canadian sniper training program. I believe they still hold the record for the longest shot.
No friend. Corporal Robert Furlong’s shot was overtaken by a British sniper from I believe, the Royal Marines. So the UK currently holds that distinction.
Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, my thoughts are with you and yours.
Thanks Eric, tough day in our great Nation.
Terrible impact for the lost soldier and his family. I feel for the police officers and security staff who waded – weapons high – in to one hell of a fight from the videos on the TV news.
For the members of Parliament who had to barricade themselves behind whatever cover they found, may the fear they felt be channeled into resolution to meet the terror threat head on. Let us not forget the invocation of martial law in Quebec in the 1970’s in response to terrorism and for the common man. Be resolute in the face of this bald-faced intimidation.
Thanks for everyone’s support. As a recently retired Canadian army reservist, this really tugs at my heart and makes me regret hanging up my pips.
We all need to stay vigilant, stand back-to-back as we have done in the past and keep watch against our shared enemies, foreign and, especially now, domestic.
My thoughts and condolences go out to the family of the fallen, and his brothers and sisters in arms. Kudos to Mr. Vickers – despite his many years of service, this was supposedly the first time he had to use his weapon in the line of duty. You never know when your number gets called, and he stepped up and did the right thing. Job well done.
My prayers are with Canada and especially the loved ones of your fallen warrior.
Stay frosty, my friends. I hope you are able to flush some of these turds before they surface again.
As a daily Canadian reader of SSD(and decidedly no fan of Dan III) I’d like to say Thank you to all the great people that have left positive and supportive comments. As a former Canadian Reservist and private security contractor, my fondest recollections are my shoulder-to-shoulder service with American Forces. When serving and working overseas, I cannot recall any circumstance or time that I was not treated like a king and shown THE utmost respect – 24/7. 364.5 days a year. Truly, not realizing it at the time; in retrospect I now know that I was entirely privileged to work with such an incredible collection of military professionals… Thank you United States of America for your prayers and support at this difficult time and a very big THANK YOU to SSD for putting this “We Stand with You” article up.
Right back at your, Brother. I have worked with Canadian soldiers, and I was left with nothing but the utmost respect. Truly professional. God be with all of you in this tragic time.
Canada, you’re in my prayers, and we’ll be the good neighbor in your time of need. Just let us know what you need.
RIP Cpl Cirrilo and my condolences to his family and friends, and to the family of WO Patrice Vincent. Thoughts are with them and our Canadian friends. We DO stand with you!
Rest in peace, Highlander-Albainn Gu Breath
Deeply sorry for the misspelling of the regimental motto – Albainn Gu Brath