SIG SAUER - Never Settle

KCRF Resupply Complete!


We’ve finally received a resupply on the giveaway KCRF patches made for us by Flexsystems which we give away at trade shows. See you at a show soon!


20 Responses to “KCRF Resupply Complete!”

  1. Jim says:


  2. Gunslinger6 says:

    Does this mean I finally get the KCRF prize pack I won like 6 months ago?

  3. Agent047 says:

    You too Gunslinger? I won as well. I sent several E mails inquiring WTF? Not one reply. I saved the E mail that told me I had won. You know it’s never too late Soldier Systems!

    • SSD says:

      I thought all if this was taken care of months ago.

      • Mike Nomad says:

        Since we are talking about old business, don’t forget to set aside two or three for Sophie…

    • Gunslinger6 says:

      Yea me too, and never got response either. But Eric has already emailed me and asked for my info so I am confident he is the man to get this all straightened out.

    • Marmatt says:

      Me too. Had correspondence with “tactical fanboy,” followed up… Nothing…

      Was curious more than anything else. I had purchased a KCRF patch in the past, great quality, cool patch.


  4. Geoff says:

    You realize how much of a killing you could make if you sold these to us non-industry types right?

  5. Chris says:

    For those who want one:

    (In the original palette of the morale poster)

  6. Askrack Vaqsaak says:

    + 2 for me please…

  7. Reverend says:

    HEY SSD! Don’t be so hard on yourself about the patches, you do a damned fine job at information distribution! Patches is just icing on the cake.

  8. Ipkiss says:

    These were promised to me a long time ago. At some point I stopped asking about it, not wanting to bugger you. But now you bring it up..

  9. Mojo says:

    I was wondering why my KCRF orders just shot through the roof…Thanks Eric!

    • A-HA! It was a master plan all along! A symbiotic plan to empty our wallets!
      Mojo, get the “same patches” (as pictured above) so we can lighten our wallets.