
ISOF Support Initiative On Indiegogo


There is currently a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to provide ISOF soldiers with basic equipment including:

– Gloves
– Flashlights
– GPS devices
– Eye protection
– Hearing protection
– Medical supplies

All donation will go towards supplying ISOF units with basic supplies and equipment, and shipping and operation costs. No restricted items will be purchased or sent.

You can check it out here:


6 Responses to “ISOF Support Initiative On Indiegogo”

  1. SGT Rock says:

    Has anyone verified the individuals or organization who started this funding campaign?

  2. ninjaben says:

    Yeah I can verify that it is legit. It is being run by a TL from B/2/3. He is a West Pointer and a former enlisted member of the 75th.

  3. Joe momma says:

    With all the money our government funnels that direction, you’re telling me these guys can’t get gloves?

    Just seems odd that they need a kick starter….

  4. ninjaben says:

    Sure they have Up Armored GMVs, M4s, radios, ammo, and even ITARs restricted items that were purchased for them. However, basic individual issue/team issue type items are not procured or continually maintained. I always deploy with a half dozen slings, gloves, boots, extra old kit and cold weather equipment. Some of our partners are tough hard working and dedicated warriors, who go to work without layered ISR or AC130 support. At the end of the trip they want a helmet, some AR500 steel, a shot timer, or a kydex holster, I have no problem dipping into my pockets to help them out. (They usually ask to buy it, but I could never sell it when I make more in 2 weeks than they often make in a year.)

    There are restrictions on what SOF can spend money earmarked for partner force. And if you look around Special Warfare units (especially USSF) you will find guys end up buying a lot of things out of pocket (Holsters, Foretrex, gloves, even glock mags, assault packs, ect) when DSORs aren’t filled.

  5. Robin Sage says:


    Thank you for your support. We know that initially there will be questions regarding the legitimacy of this effort and for good reason. Due to the sensitivities regarding US military personnel in Iraq, we treading lightly to see how this project will be received. All the items purchased will be distributed to US and coalition SOF who are partnered with ISOF units across Iraq. Iraq has money and military equipment, but the individual Soldiers lack basic gear. After ten years of conflict, the individual equipment worn by ISOF soldiers show the wear of hundreds of operations.

    Thank you for your interest and support. We are working to formalize this campaign as a registered non-profit to provide greater transparency for those who support.



  6. Darth says:

    Well if B/2/3 is spearheading it, it mustn’t be rubbish. I actually liked supporting those guys last year. I’ll wait for more info though before I throw some money that way.