FirstSpear TV

5.11 Tactcial Challenge at the Crossfit Games 2014


13 Responses to “5.11 Tactcial Challenge at the Crossfit Games 2014”

  1. SeanL says:

    This is like Christmas.

    It’s like a Douchebag’s ultimate internal dilemma: how does he wear a 5.11 Tuxedo and still be shirtless for his workout?

    Awful tattoos? Check. Abysmal exercise form? Check. Former JV High Schooler athletes feeling like Navy SEALs? Check. 5.11 and Crossfit were made for each other.

    What’s the over/under on that chick’s Anavar dose?

    So if you’re a gear queer who does Crossfit, which do you tell people about first?

    • Taylor says:

      Lol the gear obviously, cause you need all those boxes and whatnot for crossfit…

    • cj says:

      its like reverse fight club, first rule of cross fit? dont shut the hell up about crossfit

      • SCOTT says:

        CJ thats awesome you spent time ripping off comedians lines and then reposting them on message boards. probably better off doing crossfit…. What’s mom making for dinner?

  2. Nick says:

    All those muscles, yet no one can do an actual pull up…

  3. Paste says:

    I’m not sure which is more troubling, everyone pretending they like the style and quality of 5.11 gear, or everyone pretending that working out is some how a spectator sport.

  4. Scott says:

    5.11 is to quality gear what crossfit is to fitness.
    It looks good and seems to perform until someone sees the truth of it, and abandons it or it fails and you wind up with a crushed L5.

    At least all the crossfit casualties will have extendable drag handles that could be used to get them off the field.

  5. Davy says:

    Whatever. CrossFit’s awesome.

  6. John says:

    0 for 5 on original or intelligent criticisms of CrossFIt.

    • SeanL says:

      There’s nothing original or intelligent about Crossfit.

      However, you’re 1 for 1 on “contributing nothing to the discussion.”

      Rock on with your kipping pullups, rockstar.

  7. Felix says:

    Got a pair of their “recon Trainers” some months ago. I was just curious.

    The glue connecting upper and lower shoe started failing when putting them on.

    – Went running with them … think “Combat Flipflops” would have been the better choice.
    – Showed them to my Powerlifting coach… he just shook his head.

    I wear them as a casual shoe now, at least I like the looks.

  8. Justin M. says:

    Gotta respect 5.11 trying to step out of the proverbial ‘box’ and expand into new markets. Its interesting watching their approach — especially considering the leadership team and those behind the wheel.

  9. Trajan says:

    Ironically, everyone I see wearing 5.11 gear in real life is obese.