GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Who Here Is An Eagle Scout?

I’m curious if any SSD readers are Eagle Scouts. Stand up and be counted.


I earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 1981.


206 Responses to “Who Here Is An Eagle Scout?”

  1. Greenhammer says:


  2. Merlin says:

    Troop 797
    Waltham, Illinois

  3. CPTP says:


  4. Matt says:


  5. Davey says:


  6. Archangel says:

    These guys are making me feel old. Eagled 1988

  7. Justin says:


  8. Michael says:

    Proud father of 2 Eagle Scouts!

  9. Kris says:


  10. BD Hatford says:

    Eagle Scout, 1987, Troop 101, Honolulu, HI

  11. Steve says:

    Eagle in 1971 then bronze, gold, & silver Palm.

  12. Norbis says:

    Troop 2 Chico, CA 2002. Less than 30 days from going to Basic Training at Fort Benning.

  13. D2 says:

    1979 My oldest son will receive his in a few weeks and my youngest is close behind.

  14. David says:


  15. ninjaben says:


  16. Galen Combs says:

    I finished my last required merit badge on my 18th B day at summer camp. I started boy scouts in Direct Service Around the World Troop 1 in Escazu, Costa Rica and finished the last three years in Troop 25 Eugene, Oregon. I was awarded my eagle scout in 1991

  17. Matt says:

    Eagle here. 1991

  18. ninjamedic says:

    Troop 146
    Austin, TX

  19. farzero says:

    1996. Still to this day use the skills I’ve learned in Scouting.

  20. Dan A. says:

    My recruiter shortened my DEP by several months, so I got pinned in 1996 on leave after MCRD San Diego. Hey there Norbis, I was in Troop 6 in Yuba City! Small world.

  21. Pat says:

    2002 Troop 325 Belgium

  22. Jon says:

    Eagle Scout (2008), Order of the Arrow, Troop 6

  23. Ronin says:

    Troop 178, Monterey, CA. April 2003

  24. mike says:


  25. pyronaute says:

    1980; Troop 268; Council 524

    Son of an Eagle Scout, Father of an Eagle Scout.

  26. Rabbit556 says:


  27. Foosh says:

    1995. Brother and Father are also Eagle Scouts

  28. Whiskey 1-1 says:

    Troop 444
    Austin, Texas
    Eventually earned 3 palms

  29. Timber says:

    Troop 16
    Ouachita Council
    Farmerville, LA

  30. Matt says:

    2007. I was 14.

  31. FangsOut says:

    2006, Troop 737, San Clemente, CA

  32. William says:


  33. Eric says:


  34. Doc K says:


  35. Ahisa says:

    1997, good to see so many other fellow Eagle Scouts in the crowd!

  36. Kevin says:


  37. Nick says:

    2005. 6 palms.

  38. Kenny K says:


  39. Tony M says:

    Troop 398
    Mustang, OK

    Also earned Arrow of Light from Cub Scouts and am just shy 1 year for my 20 years in BSA.

    3rd generation Scouter and first to Earn it.

  40. Mike says:

    1987, and a good ol’ owl too.

  41. Richard says:

    Troop 64 – New Orleans, LA
    Troop 22 – Newport, RI
    Troop 1 – Portsmouth, RI

  42. Adam W says:

    Troop 79
    Crozet Va.

  43. Mark D says:

    Troop 363
    Pottstown, PA