SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Who Here Is An Eagle Scout?

I’m curious if any SSD readers are Eagle Scouts. Stand up and be counted.


I earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 1981.


206 Responses to “Who Here Is An Eagle Scout?”

  1. Jake the Snake says:

    Eagle – 1981, Silver Palm, OA
    Troop 745
    Richmond, VA

  2. enGUNeer says:

    Troop 143
    Galva, IL

  3. fudman says:


  4. Reis says:

    Troop 220
    Robins AFB, Ga

  5. j-dub says:

    I earned my Eagle on May 7, 1990 in Troop 41, Lynn, MA.

    My oldest son got his in January 2014.

    My youngest son is a First Class and still working.

  6. Chuck says:


  7. Patrick Haggerty says:

    2006, Troop 181
    Peachtree City, GA

  8. Kyle says:


  9. Scot Allen says:

    Troop 555
    Basking Ridge NJ

  10. George Tharpe says:

    1988 – Troop 18, Shreveport, LA

  11. Ben H. says:

    Troop 338

  12. Tryg says:

    30 June 1999
    Troop 476
    Cupertino, Ca

  13. james says:

    1984 troop 32 watchung NJ

  14. tom says:

    troop 427 amherst ohio, 1996

  15. Andrew Butler says:

    1998 here, board of review around a week or so before I turned 18

  16. Christopher Coulson says:


  17. Curtis Randall says:

    Troop 24
    Nevada City CA

  18. Seamus says:

    October 2002
    Troop 180
    West Central Florida Council

  19. BLyon says:

    Troop 525
    Bentonville, AR

  20. Alex says:

    1999, Troop 214 Fargo ND.

  21. Mark says:

    Troop 350, Haskins, Ohio- 1981

    With a great Scoutmaster, great parents, and the support of an amazing troop- most of whom I maintain contact with to this day.

  22. Scubasteve says:


  23. 1911fan says:


  24. monkey says:

    troop 824 1995

  25. Kevin Harpre says:


    Troop 282

    Nashville, TN

  26. Brc says:

    Sept 3 2014 (3 days after getting back from BCT)
    Troop 11
    Bismarck ND

  27. Thor says:

    2001, Cascade Pacific Council, Portland, OR, Troop 1

  28. Colin says:


  29. bozo says:

    Got to Webelos, Scout Master changed to a super creepy old cigar smoking guy (whereas we’d previously had a super cool den mother). In fact, all the scouts I knew dropped cause of that guy.

  30. Mike Jones says:

    Troop 117 (Oklahoma City), Eagle Scout 2006 and Vigil Member in the Order of the Arrow.

  31. Jeff R says:

    Order of the Arrow

    mid 80’s

  32. Colin says:

    2001 or 2002?

  33. Cam says:

    Yes, 2001.

  34. Chris Stalzer says:

    Earned mine in 1990. Troop 685, Beaverton, Oregon

  35. Kyle Pope says:


  36. Cam Buford says:

    Got mine! Park City Utah 2003

  37. Scot Hill says:


  38. Bobby says:

    First Class by 12 … Troop was disbanded… Then I moved to hell. Santa Cruz. All the Scout leaders there were women. So our troop disbanded ourselves because it was run by our mothers. We all remained friends for years.

  39. mcs says:


  40. Matt says:


    Troop 1, Mass. Oldest Continually Active Troop in the US!!

  41. Jason says:


  42. Brent Wooten says:

    Troop 268
    Yelm, Washington

  43. MattD says:


  44. OSCAR says:


  45. Steven S says:

    I’m also an Arrow of Light recipient.

    Btw, I am quite surprised how many SSD readers are eagle scouts!

  46. bryce says:

    2006, I owe my life to the knowledge on many occasions.

  47. Michael says:


  48. Aaron says:

    Troop 177
    Daphne, AL