


9 Responses to “CCT HALO Jump”

  1. Will says:

    FYI, not a HALO jump (or even a HAHO jump for that matter) – Just a run of the mill MFF training jump.

    • SF defender says:

      Sorry Will, it was technically a HALO jump. Exit above 6k and open below 6k is a HALO by military standards. It’s not what the movies want you to believe, this is reality.

    • tom smiddle says:

      Just for the hell of it, what are you talking about Will? What kind of jump was it?? And for SF Defender other than the lame name, did you catch his altimeter at 6k or was that was that a guess?

  2. Garrett says:

    Why the side door exit and not the ramp? The ramp seems easier with a ruck. Just wondering if this is a box they have to check for training.

    • SF defender says:

      Maybe the ramp was broken, but in all reality, side door exits are rare, not a block to check, but just practicing a skill in peace time so they are less worried in war time.

  3. iExpresso says:

    FYI, i dont know squat about jumping out of flying machines. Cool video and thanks for post.

  4. Easy E says:

    Based on my expert opinion, validated by recently watching “Point Break,” this looks like a lot of fun.

  5. Jim says:

    I was wondering if that was really a HALO jump, or just a run through with the gear, when I saw the guy without mask and bottle towards the front mixed in with the other masked guys. Either that or ED Viesturs was mixed in with them.

  6. Bob says:

    Let’s see, 45 seconds of free fall (go ahead, count it), divided by 5 seconds for every 1,000 feet equals 9,000 feet. Add 4,000 feet to account for the opening altitude (+/- 250 feet) comes to 13,000 feet right on the nose…or 12,999 feet as it was probably logged. 12,999 feet AGL is an average training jump for a military free fall jump and would absolutely qualify as a HALO jump by military standards. At 12,999 feet AGL there is no requirement to pre-breathe oxygen or even need oxygen. Jumps between 13,000 and 18,999 require supplemental oxygen only if your time at altitude exceeds certain periods of time according to a sliding scale. Anything above 18,999 requires supplemental oxygen and up to 60 minutes of pre-breathing.

    Looks like it all checks out to me as far as I remember.