FirstSpear TV

Looks Like Team Wendy Has Made That SAR Helmet A Reality



9 Responses to “Looks Like Team Wendy Has Made That SAR Helmet A Reality”

  1. FOXTAC says:

    Impatiently waiting for its release (and price announcement!).

    I kind of wish the accents weren’t black. No big deal, but the more bright color the better.

    I hope they’re accompanied by matching velcro (that is, same color as the shell, not black!) to allow addition of reflective ID and whatnot.

  2. Weaver says:

    Looking forward to this as well.

    I hadn’t considered a higher-visibility highlight color, but that is a great idea, FOXTAC – something really contrasting like a bright neon green could be very useful for this helmet’s mission.

    Now, to begin prepping the wife to accept how much I “need” this additional bit of kit.

  3. We need a high end backcountry SAR helmet for a long time. My old Joe Brown never quite did it and Petzl was good for a while but then their designers got a little carried away with style. I hope this one does the job.

  4. Pieter Thirion says:

    Excuse my ignorance, but what is the purpose of the grey bars on the top sides of the shell? I get that the rest is for NVG/earpro/light, just not that part

    • stephen says:

      Removable vent covers. Depending on the impact standard requirements, vents may/may not meet certs. ie., mountaineering = vent ok; industrial = vents not ok.

      • FOXTAC says:

        That may be the technical reason (I don´t know) but practicality-wise it´s also great to adapt to cold/warm/wet weather or high/low intensity activities.