SureFire XC3

Costa Takes Japan – The Tchotchkes

Much has been written about Chris Costa’s presence at Peace Combat Fes 2015. What we didn’t realize was that there was so much merchandising. My favorite is the Picatinny figurine.


To see the whole lineup of Costa tchotchkes visit

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18 Responses to “Costa Takes Japan – The Tchotchkes”

  1. SN says:

    Glad he is making money, but I think his credibility/marketability just went to zero everywhere else.

    • SpartanDieselTech says:

      While I don’t agree with everything he teaches, I certainly don’t see where Costa participating in or making money off of something many of us might deem as “silly” has a damn thing to do with his credibility.

      He might be an attention whore, but it really plays no role in the tactics he teaches. Which are, as a whole, perfectly solid.

  2. hobbit says:

    Now I want to watch “Spaceballs.” For some reason… ????

  3. hobbit says:

    Now I want to watch “Spaceballs.” For some reason… ????

  4. Case says:

    What coasty douche. Imma go practice my mag flip.

  5. Mike Nomad says:

    Catchy bondage photo on page two of the flyer:

  6. CapnTroy says:

    Umm, I’ve reconsidered….Team Costa FTW!

  7. Jon, OPT says:

    Tchotchkes… is it just me, or did SSD just drop some serious old school Yiddish up in this mofo, havent heard that word in ages.

    Jon, OPT

  8. Tim says:

    Right said costa…. I’m to sexy for my (fill in the blank)