
Ston Camo – “The Original Multi-Terrain Camo for Concealment Everywhere”

I figure I have to share a camouflage pattern that has a variant named “KinkyPink.”


To be fair, they’ve also got pattern variants that use actual earth tones such as Sage.


The secret is in the Stone Premiere pattern, while different colorways are created by swapping out the base color. That’s how you get different versions like you see above. Like the name suggests, Ston takes its pattern cues from rocks and terrain features you’d see in the mountains.


10 Responses to “Ston Camo – “The Original Multi-Terrain Camo for Concealment Everywhere””

  1. drew says:

    Kinkypink looks like a strawberry shortcake exploded and was cleaned up with a trowel (yes, a trowel, not a towel). It’s an interesting concept, I would be interested to see the pattern with a hunter orange base (some states require hunter orange, and it must be orange).

    At the same time, is it still a universal camo, if you need to change the base color? If you’re going to have to use separate garments anyways, there’s little point to having them match in terms of pattern.

  2. ice cream cone says:

    Patterned after the mountains? more like freezer burned ice cream.

    • Taylor says:

      High mountains above treeline, think elk hunting in Colorado or sheep/goat hunting in Alaska. Actually looks very accurate, for its intended environment.

  3. thomas long says:

    Looks similiar to the Norwegian mountain camo from also known as Fjellduken. Love that pattern 😀 This looks like a good alternativ, must buy 🙂

  4. DGM says:

    Sage looks like a birds eye view of mountainous/forrest terrain and Kinkypink looks like a top down view of ice cream.

  5. Colin says:

    I would wear it

  6. Dellis says:

    I hydro dip items at my shop and the STON pattern is very cool. I am doing the interior of my truck in it and it’s a very effective pattern. I have done a few gun stocks and while the smaller items hide the pattern, kinda looks like a bird poo splatter, larger items show the pattern well.

    Think of it as an area of ground or a rock with moss, bark and dirt on it. Base color options can give a differing shade but I prefer to base in a off or dirty white.

  7. KDS372 says:

    Is this an OCP variant? Will there be another camo down-select to compete this fairly?

  8. Terry says:

    Kinkypink – still a better camo than UCP.