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What’s a USACAPOC(A) Anyway?


13 Responses to “What’s a USACAPOC(A) Anyway?”

  1. patrulje says:

    Did you say “useless kay-poc”

  2. Craig says:

    Excuse you, I did a tour OIF 3 in Mosul as a PsyOp specialist working with several infantry brigades and we actually did a lot of the same stuff with them on patrols, besides assisting with cordons using loud speakers (both mounted and carried) and interpreters we also conducted foot patrols and raids looking for anti-coalition media, worked with Med groups to help coordinate field clinics for locals, and occasionally set up OPs in the middle of town alone with just a few of us listening to mosques for anti american propaganda. Not to mention the long history of Psychological warfare. Can’t speak for CA though.

  3. patrulje says:

    The derogatory term is one that was in common usage among the CAT-As, TPTs and JPOTF LNO while I was assigned to the IO team of CJSOTF-A in 02. Like most major commands they are often more a hindrance then a force multiplier. I had nothing but respect for those with “boots on the ground.” On the other hand “lighten up Francis.”

  4. Ryan says:

    All this video does it show that the soldiers they interviewed dont know their job. Also what is up with PSYOP soldier thinking their job is to go into a town or village and “see what is wrong, and what they need”? (Im guessing she has a poor understanding of atmospherics) Last I checked PSYOPs job was persuade, change and influence. Not just go in and worry bout PMESII. Further more, they hit every negative stereotype to include the soldier that reclassed to join USACAPOC for a jump slot and doesn’t know the job or community.

    • 10thMountainMan says:

      Many of our personnel are poorly trained in their craft. Ten years ago the expectation for a Tactical PSYOP soldier was being strong enough to carry a speaker on your back, and dumb enough to do it while being shot at. Ever since the USACAPOC/USASOC divorce the expectation has increased dramatically. Many of the processes by which we recruit and train our personnel have improved dramatically. It will likely take another decade however before the full effects of those changes are realized. We’re not where we need to be yet, but we are getting there.

  5. straps says:

    Challenge is in building a bench and a professional culture committed to a purpose they understand (and believe in).

    Both CAPOC career streams claim only to accept officers who have made it to O-3 from other branches. Makes total sense for CA Officers who need that operational maturity–and even PSYOP, where a Det Cdr will be interacting with a carnivorous Battalion or Brigade staff. I’ve had junk Cdrs and been dead in the water (or worse–risked lives to execute progarms that would never work) if there wasn’t a good Ops NCO (or an NCO-driven 3 Section) to be found to to liaison with. Back on point, PSYOP never gets a shot at newly commissioned Marketing/Advertising/Mass Comm people who’d do well for our community (or the Combatant Commanders they support) because there isn’t an accession path. Good company-grade officers establish themselves as support or even combat arms officers and if they’re effective leaders, they hold what they got.

    What we DO often get is the dregs from other units and branches–often as 1LTs and *gulp* even 2LTs, who have delusions of coolness and redemption–in small, detached units where they’re more likely to be marginalized than mentored.

    That’s not even the big challenge. Advertising doesn’t always work. Even a good campaign could have a flawed premise (influenced by a “cultural expert” who moved to Dearborn as a child and can trump even GOOD intelligence analysis–I mean market research), a flawed delivery (a “Planner” up the chain wants a leaflet drop on his OER), or might not even have found the audience capable of achieving the right effect.

    Or not, just keep clowning stuff that doesn’t go boom. Thanks for posting the video.

  6. straps says:

    Battlefield effect with roots in PSYOP SPO, TAA and Campaign Plan:

    Anbar Awakening.

    Even takes US time to remember things that worked…

  7. paul says:

    I did the PSYOP thing for about 6 years. Both deployments were a blast. A lot of people in the MOS don’t understand what they are supposed to be doing – persuade, change, and influence behaviors. You need to get inside the brains of the locals and think/at/learn like they do to have any chance at changing their minds or behavior. It’s a really cool job when you can see the effects take place on the battlefield – not just in a kinetic way, which is fun but everyone gets wrapped around this aspect. Working behind the scenes get’s you more bang for your buck. It’s too bad battalion commanders and your own leadership will not let you off the leash to make a dent. They want “atmospherics”, “product” placement, and all the feel good one liners up on the powerpoint.