FirstSpear TV

Quokkajoy Baby Carrier


It’s a MultiCam baby carrier. I wish these guys luck with this one. Another company created some prototypes but the liability insurance was too much to make it cost effective.


Coming soon.


19 Responses to “Quokkajoy Baby Carrier”

  1. Dellis says:

    Call me dumb……but I don’t get the liability insurance being any different for this carrier from say one made by Gerber….if they even make them?

    Or is the liability just high for this type of item across the board? I would assume it is given it’s a safety concern.

    • Griffin says:

      I’m guessing a huge corporation like Gerber can afford costly liability but the previous company they are referring to is a very small Canadian company and i’m sure the cost was just to high, additionally Gerber probably sells allot more to a wider audience than there would ever be for a multicam tacticool baby carrier…………

      • SSD says:

        It was Mayflower

        • Alex says:

          Ferro Concepts is the small Canadian Company that was mentioned and I believe they have stated that the carrier is only sold in Canada due to liability issues in the United States.

          • KaosKydex says:

            SSD was referring to Mayflower, they made the carrier long before Ferro introduced theirs.

            • Mayflower says:

              The possibility of a frivolous lawsuit for anything to do with children is too great and not worth the risk to sell a product that is not the mainstay of your company.

  2. Chris says:

    I had a Baby Bjorn that a friend had outfitted with MOLLE. Worked really well would be nice if this is a success.

  3. Joe08 says:

    Tacticool aside… that looks like a very comfortable baby carrier. Looks very well designed.

  4. Francis says:

    This takes me back. Went to a gun show in Tulsa – long long time ago now – but the wife and I will never forget seeing a young couple with baby in a stroller. Everything and everyone was decked out in camo. Dad was slinging a Thompson (semi-auto I’m sure/hope). There were a couple of gallon ziplocks of .45 acp in the storage hammock under the stroller where the diapers normally go. I’m sure the little tike is all grown now; probably went off to start his own compound. Precious memories.

  5. Evets Steve says:

    My daughter puked on my rush72. With almost super-villain speed, the vomit quickly went into, behind and around every molle strap and connected pouch on the bag. Cleaning that up was horrible and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone (except admin staff weenies, you know who you are)

  6. Cold Case says:

    Tried to share this on FB, but the link has graphic from Combat FlipFlops blurb?

  7. Bill says:

    Multicam has the right colorway to blend in with baby barf and strained peas.

    I bet insurance would be high – a couple ripped stitches and baby goes Airborne. And if you were hiking in the Multicam Forest, you might never find it again.

    Yes, my kid was an “it” when it was at that age.

  8. Once again, this is what’s wrong with the US of A; too many lawyers and not enough doctors!

  9. Lance says:

    Life safety issues in manufacturing bring on big time liability even when your doing things right. Insurers tend to settle…I remember that image a few years back…