
Angel 7 Industries – Ghost Shield A.M.T.

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Ghost Shield is a proprietary manufacturing process which allows Angel 7 to embed photochromic material directly into the ballistic polycarbonate which makes up the lenses of the glasses. This process increases the density of the polycarbonate, which means there’s no material to scratch off, and the lenses are also impervious to chemicals, saltwater, sand, and other damaging substances that can be found in an operational environment. The process is also fully automated, which, according to Angel 7, allows them to produce a higher yeld at a lower cost, and 14 times faster when compared to a “flow coated” product.

The features that Ghost Shield offers includes:

– 35% faster transition time when compared to other photochromic products on the market
– 90% clear in its unactivated state when compared to 78% clear from the next closest competitor
– Exceeds MilSpec ballistic requirements

Ghost Shield technology is being adapted to the following areas:

Ghost Shield A.M.T. (All Mission Tactical) – for Ground combat, law enforcement, airfield and flight deck personnel.
Ghost Shield A.M.A. (All Mission Air) – for pilot and aircrew personnel fixed and rotary wing.
Ghost Shield Gridiron – football helmet shields
Ghost Shield Power Sport – smotorcycle faceshields, goggles, and glasses.

In the below video, you can view Ghost Shield A.M.T. in action during a jump.


17 Responses to “Angel 7 Industries – Ghost Shield A.M.T.”

  1. jbgleason says:

    That’s awesome. I have been waiting a LONG time for this technology to make it into production. It was promised to me years ago.

    *Note to self. Don’t point GoPro back at self from helmet. The lens distortion can make your schnozz look enormous.

  2. bulldog76 says:

    i wonder where i could get these ???

    • jimmy says:

      They are not currently available. We are selling direct to governments, but direct to consumer may not be until the spring.

  3. B31A says:

    isn’t that a smith optic aegis echo frame in the top picture? are they going to enter into a partnership with Smith optics? I would love a photo chromatic lens for my echo frames. any word on MSRP?

  4. Dellis says:

    Now if they could incorporate prescription lenses into this we would have a home run!

  5. B31A,

    Yes, that is a Smith Aegis frame and Smith is one of the companies who has access to our technology. This gear available now— Contact them directly

  6. Odie Tucker says:

    Great to see angel 7 involvement in the comment section. My question is in regard to the lense transitioning the other way. I have alot of concern about maintaining eye protect when going into say a dark building. So my question is what sort of transition times are there for going from dark to clear?

  7. B31A,

    It takes about 20-25 seconds out of direct sunlight. The technology is commensurate with the eye’s natural adaptation going from bright to dark. Here is a scientific reference from the American Optometric Association that explains this more in depth. Look under the section entitled “Dark Adaptation.”

    If you are already wearing the lenses and they are tinted, your eyes will adapt faster to darkness than if you were wearing clear lenses or none at all because your eyes would not be as “saturated”. Basically, dark adaptation has very little to do with the speed/change of the lenses especially going from bright to dark. Hope this helps.

    • Odie says:

      Thanks so much for your response, that is a question I have had for quite a while now, and you guys answered it very well.

      Odie Tucker

    • Xiao says:

      Just a quick question, what temperature are you testing the speed of change from dark to clear?

      Is the 20-25 seconds applicable in both extreme heat and extreme cold environments?

  8. kris says:

    I just emailed smith a couple of weeks ago asking if they were planning some thing like this. All they said was there were forwarding it to their military reps.

  9. Tetsuo says:

    This is great news. I hope they (Smith Elite) do this across all their models … or at least the Hudson, Aegis Echo and Boogie models (which I use regularly).