
The Latest Danger Close Deal from Extreme Outfitters



7 Responses to “The Latest Danger Close Deal from Extreme Outfitters”

  1. Dellis says:

    OK, somethin ain’t right here….I went and grabbed a few items of GRanite gear. Totaled $34 and some change. I thought…”Cool!”

    I get to the shipping part…holy postal anal rape batman! The cheapest shipping is $35.00!!

    USPS Priority is $70.00 !!

    There has to be a typo somewhere or miscalculation on Extreme part. I have ordered from them before and had average shipping. Anyone else get the same insane shipping amounts?

  2. justacivie says:

    Me too 24 dollars for two small items. This is kinda crazy

  3. justacivie says:

    24 dollars in shipping plus plus 2 times 12 for the items

  4. straps says:

    So, is Granite Gear done, or is this to make room for new product?

    • levie says:

      Granite Gear just went through a ownership change. On their civilian side, they have started to branch out to a few areas outside of backpacking and the canoe/kayak accessories. Probably a little more profitable if you ask me but they are still innovating too.

      I picked up a pack for this deal because I have been using their tactical products since 2005 and they are top notch. Also because I ordered the pack shipping was free.

  5. Dellis says:

    Glad to know it was not just me, although I am sad to see those costs for shipping because it sure offsets the savings, eh?

    I think they are just clearing out inventory, or slow moving items.

  6. Shamus says:

    What is the point of advertising a ale if the shipping costs are 4x more than the times? Thanks for the moto blue balls