


Robo-Apparel is a clothing company that offers “Combat-Inspired Casual Clothing Design, for Combat-Inspired Lifestyles.” The above shirt is their “Syrup Viking” design, a t-shirt printed with a CADPAT plate carrier. They also offer a variant in M90 camouflage dubbed, appropriately enough, “The Swede”.


20 Responses to “Robo-Apparel”

  1. bob says:

    who wears this stuff?

    • T says:

      Heck, I’d wear it around my favorite libtard spots in California just for the response.

      • Mike D says:

        Reminds me of a story my old roommate told me when he went home to California on leave. Brought a rifle with him and a lady in the airport saw the case and asked what instrument he played. Told her it was a rifle and she freaked out! I’m sure this shirt wouldn’t garner any negative attention at all…

  2. Seamus says:

    This shirt + open carry of rifle= Very rapid Police response.

  3. CapnTroy says:

    HooBoy…they have tip of the spear airsoft shirts too…

  4. Darrel says:

    Why not just wear a plate carrier? It’s really no different from wearing a shirt with one on it.

    Either way you’re going to look like a manchild loser, so you might as well wear something bullet proof with pouches to hold your PBR, mustache grease and D&D Rulebook

  5. Sean says:

    Looks like a “less-operator” version of this shirt:

  6. Fries says:

    Not a fan at all of this design.It’s like screaming “I’m virgin”. Other than wearing it as a joke to laugh at floperators… I really can’t see any other situation.

    They have some really sweet ones tho, just not this one.

  7. Jbgleason says:

    My first thought was that the mags are in backwards. Not sure why that caught my eye first.

  8. Scubasteve says:

    Reminds me of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for some reason

  9. Bradkaf308 says:

    It’s silly. I don’t wear military stuff in public, but I’m in Canada so I wouldn’t get shot anyway for wearing it. Something silly to wear to the mess when going for a beer with the bud’s. If the mag pouches had beers in them that would be good.

  10. Greg says:

    Well, expecting a rash of “child suspended from school for t-shirt” news stories after this hahah

    • CapnTroy says:

      No kidding…if chewing a pop tart into the shape of a pistol can get a kid suspended, this shirt will probably get the kid proned out in the principal’s office…

  11. Darth says:

    Holy fuck batman…get over it all you Tier One Keyboard Operators