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Mission Spec Gains Contracts From Covert Agencies By Adding Denim Line

Beginning early next quarter, Mission Spec, LLC™ (KS) will be adding denim to their existing Essentials Only Carrier™ (EOC) and Shoulder Savers™ product lines after receiving requests from “multiple covert agencies”. The requests simply stated the need for an ultra low-profile and light-weight armor option that could easily “disappear” on agents during covert or undercover tasking.


“We had the ultra low-profile and light-weight requirements already figured out with our EOC,” says Brent Keltner with Mission Spec. “The only thing left was deciding on the best pattern and texture to use for the covert nature of the request.”


It is unknown if Mission Spec will be making the new denim line available for commercial release.

Mission Spec is also seeking the services of Chuck Norris as the new spokesperson for all Mission Spec gear. This is the result of an email poll sent to all Mission Spec customers asking who they would like to see as the new spokesperson. While Mr. Norris was not a selectable option for the poll, Norris won by an astounding 91% via the write-in field. “We listen to our customers and they know what they want,” said Keltner when asked for the reason behind seeking the new spokesperson.


33 Responses to “Mission Spec Gains Contracts From Covert Agencies By Adding Denim Line”

  1. Bradkaf308 says:

    Tuxedo version to follow for the Secret Service.

  2. joe says:

    It’s about time, we’ve had gear in Carhartt Brown for years!

  3. Whitesands says:

    What plain cloths high speed covert agency is still rocking denim jackets?

  4. bluenoser says:


  5. TR says:

    What in the holy fuck are you doing! This needs to be taken down immediately, this is G-14 Classified. Do you hear them? Yep that’s right the black helicopters are over your office in 3 – 2 – 1!

  6. Jason says:

    Is this a joke? I’m honestly perplexed.

  7. Dev says:

    I’d actually buy one.

  8. Granitestater says:

    How’s it going Denim Dan? You look like the president, chairman, and CEO of Levi Straus. Hey where’d you get the Canadian tuxedo? -Farva

    • Patrick says:

      If you’re going to quote Super Troopers you are legally required to back their sequel. Sorry, it’s the rules. Or so they told me.

  9. Jon, OPT says:

    Perfect! Gear to match my Canadian tuxedo.

    Jon, OPT

  10. Geoff says:

    This is the oerfect carrier for that Internet command size XXXL with the hoagies and big gulp stuffed in his pouches.

  11. RayForest says:

    The shoulda used a pic of a guy with a white wife beater for a base layer.

  12. Mission Spec says:

    New image has been released from the Mission Spec lab.

  13. JS says:

    I’m really hoping they do a stone-washed version.

  14. DI says:

    I’m holding out for the matching set of Tactical Jorts!

  15. Bill says:

    Like the Carhartt comment, it’s actually a brilliant idea for some of us in LE. If it was any other day, you should contact a patent attorney immediately.

    the only improvement would be velcro cover patches: local HS football teams, Dale Earnhardt #3, whatever cheap beer is popular in your jurisdiction…….just no metrosexual skinny cut

    • straps says:

      I’ve always preferred the cut of the Dickies work shirts (not that tactical line they keep trying to launch) for wear over panels and plates…

  16. April 1…hmmm.

  17. Mike Nomad says:

    I’m holding out for Tactical Seat Covers for my AMC Pacer…

  18. will says:

    idgaf. I actually want one. Where is Dugan when we need him?

  19. Airborne_fister says:

    Can they make this in a skinny jeans cut please?

  20. Craig says:

    I think it would work best under denim overalls.

  21. MAJ S says:

    Does this come in acid washed?